228 results found
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… switches. Smaller amounts of elementary mercury exist in fluorescent lamps, including compact fluorescent lamps and high intensity discharge lamps. … on disposing of the bag What healthcare precautions should I take to protect myself and my family from mercury …
HealthLinkBC files
… brain. Early symptoms may include: Confusion Depression Forgetfulness Difficulty sleeping Behavior changes Impaired … up to 30 years before symptoms begin. How does a person get CJD? Most cases of CJD, about 93 percent, occur without … diagnosis of CJD is made based on: Symptoms Tests on the fluid surrounding the spinal cord Brain images using MRI …
HealthLinkBC files
… difficult for an egg to attach How can I make sure I don’t get pregnant if I’m taking medications that affect my … Speak to your health care provider about how long you should use a barrier method, even after you stop taking a …
HealthLinkBC files
… grown children may use banking machines or joint accounts together, but they may not recognize the risk in doing so. … Make sure you understand every document you sign What should I do if I see a crime or harmful situation? Call the …
HealthLinkBC files
… from landing on and biting your skin. Insect repellent should be used when you are outdoors to protect against … repels mosquitos for a longer time than it does ticks. To get protection against ticks, look for a product designed … or in your eyes. If you do get repellent in your eyes, flush well with water Do not use the repellent on open …
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… or pool is used, the faster the disinfectant in the water gets used up. Before and after use, you should check the disinfectant level and add disinfectant if … also be checked and adjusted as necessary. Pool chemicals should always be used safely and stored in a locked location …
HealthLinkBC files
… When wildfire affects the surrounding trees, soil and vegetation, water quality may decline. During a wildfire, it's … If you are on a community water system, your water supplier should check your water system and the quality of your … or close to your well or piping Water lines may need to be flushed and water supplies may need to be tested for …
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… bumps. After these blisters appear they often burst, and fluid seeps out. When the fluid dries, the blisters become … In rare cases, the bacteria that cause impetigo can get into the bloodstream and cause kidney disease. How is it … for the rash to appear after you have been infected. You should practice good personal hygiene when a family member …
HealthLinkBC files
… 10 years of age, but older children and adults may also get the disease. Cases occur mainly in the summer and early … What are the complications? Dehydration (loss of body fluids) is the most common complication of hand, foot and … surfaces that many people touch regularly and shared toys should be cleaned with soap and water, and disinfected with …
HealthLinkBC files
… are often found in the environment, particularly in soil, vegetation, and the feces of animals. Listeriosis is most … in pregnant women. People who have symptoms of listeriosis should speak to their health care provider, especially if … an older adult, or have a weakened immune system you should either avoid or cook the following foods to steaming …