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HealthLinkBC files
… to a municipal or city sewage system needs a method for getting rid of human waste (feces and urine). All buildings … operation and maintenance. An owner of a sewage system should contact an authorized person to set up an annual … park where the onsite sewage system has been built Do not flush paints, solvents or any kind of toxic chemicals down …
HealthLinkBC files
… fever. Children 5 years and under are at a higher risk of getting sick because their immune systems are not fully … can spread, especially diarrhea, nausea or vomiting, you should not prepare food for others. How can parents pack … find safe foods to serve to children? Child-care facilities should buy foods from approved sources, such as commercial …
HealthLinkBC files
… types of harmful germs even if they appear healthy. You can get sick if you come into contact with the bodily fluids or feces of an infected animal. Disease may spread … germs can spread to people. For this reason, the public should not be involved in the animal birthing process. Which …
HealthLinkBC files
… backs. Healthy babies will naturally swallow or cough up fluids on their own. Avoid using items that prop the baby in … the car seat once you have reached your destination. Babies should not be left to sleep in a car seat, a stroller, baby … and increase the risk of SIDS. Swaddled babies can also get stuck on their stomachs and be unable to move into a …
HealthLinkBC files
… eyes, nose or throat. Allergy or asthma symptoms could get worse. Poor indoor air quality is caused by indoor air … information, visit HealthLinkBC File #32 Asbestos: When should I worry? Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive … of pollution or reduce the level of emissions. This step should always be considered first to improve indoor air …
HealthLinkBC files
… his or her back every time (at night and for naps) Babies should always be placed on their backs to sleep. Healthy … . Put the crib together using the manufacturer’s instructions, and do not … mattress fits the frame and is no thicker than 15 cm. There should be no gaps bigger than 3 cm between the mattress and …
HealthLinkBC files
… free of the foods that cause allergic reactions, facilities should make efforts to create and maintain a safe … explains what to do in case of an allergic reaction. To get a blank copy of an Anaphylaxis Emergency Plan , visit … leave the resident alone If the resident’s symptoms do not get better or get worse, give a second dose of epinephrine …
HealthLinkBC files
… brain healthy and improves mood Adults aged 65 and older should do at least 150 minutes (about 2 and a half hours) of … walking briskly and water aerobics Adults aged 65 and older should also do activities that strengthen major muscle … and fall-related injuries, such as serious hip fractures Get a comprehensive eye exam at least once a year Common …
HealthLinkBC files
… raise the risk of pregnancy related complications. If it gets very hot in your home, plan to go somewhere cooler if … your body cool and hydrated Drink plenty of water and other fluids (about 3-4 litres of water a day), especially if you … who experiences more tightenings than usual in the abdomen should be checked by their midwife, doctor, or obstetrician. …
HealthLinkBC files
… there are many things you can do to make sure your baby gets enough iron.  Offer iron-rich foods every day Your baby’s first foods should be rich in iron. Offer your baby iron-rich foods: At … meal from 12 to 36 months Many foods can help your child get enough iron. There are 2 types of iron found in food: …