228 results found
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… could die. Choking can also happen when foods or objects get stuck in the voice box, vocal chords, lungs or … them to cough the object or food out. However, you should take the child to the emergency room right away to … a child if they choke? Anyone who cares for young children should be trained in infant Cardio Pulmonary Respiration, …
HealthLinkBC files
… teeth at least twice a day with toothpaste that contains fluoride Clean carefully along the gumline where plaque … are pregnant. Any pain, swelling or infection in your mouth should be treated right away to keep you and your baby … and bones by eating healthy foods during pregnancy and getting enough calcium and vitamin D. To prevent passing …
HealthLinkBC files
… at the same time as family meals so that you can eat together as often as possible. This can help your baby learn … for or point to food Open their mouth, lean forward or get excited for food Get upset if food is taken away Your … babies Coconut, oat, rice, and nut or seed beverages should not be offered before 2 years of age. They do not …
HealthLinkBC files
… C. diff bacteria are not spread through the air. You cannot get C. diff from someone sneezing or coughing. How can I … and water for at least 20 seconds, and rub your hands together to create lather. To help children wash their hands, … the antibiotic that led to the infection. However, you should not stop taking your antibiotics until you have been …
HealthLinkBC files
… do for your health is to avoid tobacco and nicotine use altogether. How can I reduce the health harms associated with … prescription medication and behavioural coaching. These should be considered before you try vaping. While vaping is … If you smoke and want to lower your health risks, you should consider vaping rather than HTPs. There is more …
HealthLinkBC files
… floors, bedding and soft furnishings. People with allergies should leave the room during vacuuming and for at least an … pillows and mattress pads, in hot water – wash temperature should be at least 55°C (131°F) For more information Health …
HealthLinkBC files
… effects of heat are made worse if you do not drink enough fluids to stay hydrated. What causes heat-related illness? A … environments are comfortable and provide them with enough fluids Other things that may increase your risk of … day. Ask your health care provider about how much water you should drink on hot days if you are on water pills or …
HealthLinkBC files
… 8 and 18 months of age Enjoys crawling and walking Loves getting a lot of attention from their caregiver Gets scared around strangers and cries when parents leave … to share toys Cooperates or resists limits parents set Gets frustrated easily Cries less but may whimper or whine …
HealthLinkBC files
… to people, dogs, cats, fish, birds, reptiles or non-target insects such as honeybees, beetles or spiders. Canada … Btk. Treatment schedules and duration vary based on the target insect, aircraft, weather and treatment area. Spraying … while your property and nearby areas are being sprayed. You should wait until the spray has cleared from the air before …
HealthLinkBC files
… has no effect if you have not taken opioids. It will not get you “high” and does not cause addiction or dependence. … receive a naloxone kit? You do not need a prescription to get Naloxone. There are no restrictions on where naloxone … . You can complete the online training and get a certificate to take to a pharmacy or other site to get …