156 results found
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… or both. It is more common in children than adults and often occurs in the summer. Impetigo is usually caused when … blisters or red bumps. After these blisters appear they often burst, and fluid seeps out. When the fluid dries, the … coated with a yellow or grey crust. The blistered area will often be surrounded by redness. The rash will spread if not …
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… particularly among people who have a higher risk of being affected by particle pollution Long-term health impacts … outcomes such as lower birth weight Those most likely to be affected by particle pollution include: Children Older …
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… and inconvenience to people who live or work outdoors in affected areas. How are these moth populations controlled in …
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… by the bacteria Listeria monocytogenes . These bacteria are often found in the environment, particularly in soil, … vegetation, and the feces of animals. Listeriosis is most often caused by eating contaminated foods. A variety of … the food is refrigerated. Foods contaminated with Listeria often look, smell and taste normal. Listeriosis can also be …
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… All schools, daycares, care homes and hospitals in the affected area are notified in writing within the same …
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