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HealthLinkBC files
… information, visit Immunize BC: How vaccines work . Who should get the vaccines? The vaccines are recommended for … COVID-19 illness, including hospitalization and death. When you get immunized, you help protect others as well, … were most often seen: After a second dose of the vaccine when the time between doses was less than 8 weeks In males …
HealthLinkBC files
… baby. If you are pregnant and want to travel, you should speak with your health care provider to discuss your … visit HealthLinkBC File #41e Traveller’s diarrhea . When do I need to seek medical care while travelling or when I return home? You should seek medical attention right …
HealthLinkBC files
… lens of the eye is usually clear for many years of life. When cataracts develop the lens becomes cloudy. Most people … them and do not notice the change in their eyesight, even when they no longer meet legal driving requirements. … that there are benefits from surgery. At that time, surgery should be considered, and delaying may not be best. What …
HealthLinkBC files
… haemophilus influenzae type b (DTaP-HB-IPV-Hib) vaccine Who should get the Td vaccine? The vaccine can be given to … Adults who were immunized against tetanus and diphtheria when they were younger should get a booster dose of the Td … in very severe breathing problems. It can also cause heart failure and paralysis. About 1 in 10 people who get …
HealthLinkBC files
… information, visit Immunize BC: How vaccines work . Who should get the vaccine? The protein subunit vaccine is … . If you had, or may have had, COVID-19 you should still get the vaccine. This is because you may not be … COVID-19 illness, including hospitalization and death. When you get immunized, you help protect others as well, …
HealthLinkBC files
… Vietnamese Just like adults, children need their sleep. When they do not sleep well, they can feel unhappy or … a home that is smoke free At the right temperature (babies should be cozy and warm, but not too hot) Breastfeeding has … your baby’s sleep patterns will change. Your baby will start each night with a few hours of very deep sleep, …
HealthLinkBC files
… food and supplements. Your body can also make vitamin D when you are outside and the sun is on your bare skin. Many … suggest you take more vitamin D. People with osteoporosis should aim for 800-2000IU (20-50µg) vitamin D per day. Which … milk Adults over the age of 50 years What should I look for when choosing a vitamin D supplement? Choose a supplement …
HealthLinkBC files
… Document Vietnamese What is constipation? Constipation is when you have bowel movements (stools) that are hard to pass … Overuse of laxatives (stool softeners Ignoring the urge when you have to go Stress Pregnancy hormones A change in … multiple sclerosis, celiac disease and depression When should I see a health care provider? See your health care …
HealthLinkBC files
… Call your health care provider to make an appointment. Who should get the DTaP-IPV-Hib vaccine? The DTaP-IPV-Hib … separate injections they should be given at the same time when possible. After completing the primary series of … in very severe breathing problems. It can also cause heart failure and paralysis. About 1 in 10 people who get …
HealthLinkBC files
… to consider the needs of seniors in long-term care when planning for, or responding to emergencies. How are … to What is the role of family members in an emergency What should I consider when caring for family members in an emergency? In an …