121 results found
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… from the body, so it is important that you do not have any oral, vaginal or anal sex for 7 days after you and your … prevent the spread of many STIs during vaginal, anal and oral sex. Condoms are less effective at protecting against …
HealthLinkBC files
… HPV spreads by skin-to-skin contact. This can be during oral, vaginal or anal sex, or during any other sexual … prevent the spread of many STIs during vaginal, anal and oral sex. Condoms are less effective at protecting against …
HealthLinkBC files
… liquids Seating position Adapted eating aids and utensils Oral care plans Specific mealtime needs, strategies or … who prepare and serve food follow the person's care plan Oral hygiene is done according to the care plan Food service …
HealthLinkBC files
… history. The vaccine should be given at 27 to 32 weeks of pregnancy but may be given as early as 13 weeks and up until delivery. A booster dose of the pertussis … may be given to babies at an earlier age, starting at 6 weeks of age instead of 8 weeks. For more information about …
HealthLinkBC files
… vision than before. However, it will take up to a few weeks for most patients to fully heal and adjust. Most … form behind the new artificial lens after the procedure (weeks to years later), which can be treated with a minor … vision Mild redness 'Sand' feeling in the eye 24 hours to 1 week after surgery Better vision Mild redness Less pain or …
HealthLinkBC files
… Using a condom every time you have vaginal, anal or oral sex HTLV-1 is not spread by ordinary, everyday …
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… but this has not been shown to prevent febrile seizures. Oral medication must not be given to a child during a …
HealthLinkBC files
… have also been reported, mostly in children, within weeks of having hand, foot and mouth disease. However, it is … foot and mouth disease is most contagious in the first week of their illness. They can spread the virus to others … lungs or fecal matter. The virus can stay for up to several weeks in the bowels of an infected person and can be spread …
HealthLinkBC files
… scan may: Determine the age of your baby (in days and weeks) and your estimated due date Look at the size and … ovaries, placenta or cervix First trimester (up to 14 weeks) An ultrasound done during the first trimester is the … genetic screening options. Second trimester (14 to 27 weeks) An ultrasound between 18 and 22 weeks into your …
HealthLinkBC files
… If you have not had scabies before, it may take several weeks for symptoms to appear. For those who have had scabies … applying treatment. Itchiness may continue for up to 4 weeks after treatment. This is common and will improve. Do … health care provider may recommend a second treatment 1 week after the first treatment. Crusted (Norwegian) scabies …