234 results found
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… happens, blood clots can form in the body and block blood flow. This can cause heart attack, stroke, deep vein … that prevents blood clots. Warfarin makes your blood clot slower. Vitamin K has the opposite effect of warfarin and … leafy vegetables wilt when cooked, the cooked version can have more vitamin K than the raw version. Talk to your …
HealthLinkBC files
… This makes them a better choice for homeowners who have their own water supply systems. It also makes them a … system (such as a pitcher filter) or boil your water and allow it to cool before using. Well water should be disinfected using the simple chlorination method. …
HealthLinkBC files
… their hands right after touching animals. Many children have been infected by touching pets and then putting their … face or your face People with weakened immune systems should discuss the risk of disease with their healthcare … Do not let your pet drink from the toilet bowl Do not allow your pet access to the garbage Do not let your pet eat …
HealthLinkBC files
… with Yersinia bacteria. Outbreaks of yersiniosis have been linked to untreated water, contaminated pork and … 3 to 7 days after you are infected. They include abdominal pain, fever and diarrhea. Bloody diarrhea can occur in … at home or at a petting zoo Always store raw meat on the lowest shelf of the refrigerator in a covered bowl to …
HealthLinkBC files
… in withdrawal symptoms and cravings when users don’t have access to nicotine Cardiovascular health: vaping can … evidence. Compared to cigarettes, a person is exposed to lower amounts of toxic and cancer-causing chemicals when … cause harm to a person’s health. People who do not smoke should avoid vaping. However, for current smokers who are …
HealthLinkBC files
… who do get sick with a mild form of the illness usually have flu-like symptoms such as fever, sore throat, headache, … contain cat or other feline animal feces Accidentally swallowing contaminated dirt in the playground Other, less … concerns about the quality of the water in their community should consult with their health care provider about whether …
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… sludge on the bottom of the tank and the scum on the top flows out of the tank into the dispersal area. Further … operation and maintenance. An owner of a sewage system should contact an authorized person to set up an annual … where the onsite sewage system has been built Do not flush paints, solvents or any kind of toxic chemicals down the …
HealthLinkBC files
… health status is? Routine testing will tell you if you have a sexually transmitted infection (STI) like gonorrhea, … condoms Internal (“female’) and external (“male”) condoms should not be used at the same time. Using 2 condoms … an external (“male”) condom? To use an external condom, follow these steps: Wash your hands Carefully open the package …
HealthLinkBC files
… is also a doctor’s fee. Bring a record of all vaccines you have received in the past to the travel clinic. Keep a … through your regular health care provider. The following vaccines are the common immunizations recommended for … good short-term protection. A second dose of vaccine should be given later for lifetime protection. A combined …
HealthLinkBC files
… young children are at high risk of choking because they: Have less practice controlling food in their mouths Do not … a child has a medical condition that affects chewing or swallowing, they are at an even greater risk for choking. Talk … them to cough the object or food out. However, you should take the child to the emergency room right away to …