227 results found
HealthLinkBC files
… You can become infected if you drink or accidentally swallow water while swimming. You can also become infected by … with medication is necessary. People with cryptosporidiosis should drink plenty of fluids to prevent dehydration. What … community water system, take the advice seriously and follow the instructions provided If you have a weakened immune …
HealthLinkBC files
… can be given for fever or soreness. ASA (e.g. Aspirin®) should not be given to anyone under 18 years of age due to … Canadian Paediatric Society recommends that you do the following: Stay as calm as you can Place your child on a flat … After the seizure stops, keep your child on their side Allow your child to sleep after the seizure and wake them up …
HealthLinkBC files
… disease. The vaccine is approved by Health Canada. Who should get the meningococcal quadrivalent conjugate vaccine? … vaccine is recommended, but not provided free, for the following people: Laboratory workers routinely exposed to … provider to find out if you need more doses and when you should get them. People who are not eligible for the free …
HealthLinkBC files
… chance of head lice spreading indirectly through shared pillowcases, hair accessories, hats, brushes and combs. How do … Head lice will not go away without treatment. Children should not be sent home or kept home from school or daycare … which is best for you or your child. Always carefully follow the directions for use on the label and keep the …
HealthLinkBC files
… hepatitis B or hepatitis C in people who received Ig. Who should get immune globulin? Your health care provider may … can be given for fever or soreness. ASA (e.g. Aspirin®) should not be given to anyone under 18 years of age due to … stomach area, dark urine, pale stools and jaundice (yellowing of the skin and eyes). Some people, especially young …
HealthLinkBC files
… . Who should get the vaccine? The influenza vaccine is available … with health conditions causing difficulty breathing, swallowing or a risk of choking on food or fluids, such as … closely with influenza susceptible animals including poultry, dairy and swine industry workers How is the vaccine …
HealthLinkBC files
… Call your health care provider to make an appointment. Who should get the Men-C vaccine? The Men-C vaccine is given to … can be given for fever or soreness. ASA (e.g. Aspirin®) should not be given to anyone under 18 years of age due to the risk of Reye Syndrome. *Ibuprofen should not be given to children under 6 months of age …
HealthLinkBC files
… that are often sensitive to light. These symptoms are followed by a rash, which starts first on the face and neck, … the disease or received 2 doses of a measles vaccine, you should get immunized to prevent the illness. You need to get … home treatment? After seeing a health care provider, the following home treatment tips may help you to be more …
HealthLinkBC files
… of the spinal cord that causes weakness of the legs, backache, loss of bladder control or constipation. To … especially if they breastfeed for 6 months or more Should I breastfeed if I have HTLV-1? If you are infected with HTLV-1 you should not breastfeed. Otherwise, breastfeeding is highly …
HealthLinkBC files
… File #23b Meningococcal quadrivalent vaccines . Who should get the vaccine? In B.C., the Men-B vaccine is … can be given for fever or soreness. ASA (e.g. Aspirin®) should not be given to anyone under 18 years of age due to the risk of Reye Syndrome. *Ibuprofen should not be given to children under 6 months of age …