227 results found
HealthLinkBC files
… of household bleach into 1 litre (4 cups) of water Allow the sanitizer to contact the surface or utensil for at … with a digital probe tip thermometer Never put cooked meat back on the same unwashed surface that held the raw meat. … first Serve cooked meats right away or keep them hot. They should be at least 60°C (140°F) or hotter, until you are …
HealthLinkBC files
… skin at the site where the blisters or sores may appear, followed by painful herpes sores or tiny blisters. Other symptoms may … multiplying. To ease discomfort when you have symptoms, try the following: Take acetaminophen (Tylenol) or Ibuprofen …
HealthLinkBC files
… weakened immune systems from HIV/AIDS, cancer treatment, steroid therapy or organ or bone marrow transplant. How can … face or your face People with weakened immune systems should discuss the risk of disease with their healthcare … Do not let your pet drink from the toilet bowl Do not allow your pet access to the garbage Do not let your pet eat …
HealthLinkBC files
… In the early stage of the disease, you may have the following symptoms: fever sore muscles headaches nausea … not seen mice or their droppings before becoming ill. You should take precautions even if you do not see the deer mice … An N95 mask may also be used. A dust mask for insulating or painting is not the same as these specialized masks. …
HealthLinkBC files
… can have redness or swelling at the tip of the penis Pain or burning feeling when urinating Itching or irritation … antibiotic pills. For effective treatment, carefully follow the treatment instructions and, if you were given pills, … the infection could stay in your body or may be passed back to you or your partner(s). It could cause health …
HealthLinkBC files
… include: Change in amount and/or colour (often whitish-yellow, frothy) fluid from the vagina Itching, burning, redness and/or soreness of the genitals Pain or a burning feeling when urinating or during sex For … the infection could stay in your body or may be passed back to you or your partner(s) and cause health problems …
HealthLinkBC files
… or buy a first aid kit for common health concerns. Include pain and fever medication, cold remedies, tweezers, … but they can reduce the risk Women who only use diaphragms should male partners to use condoms as well. Avoid engaging … bites can spread diseases such as dengue fever, malaria, yellow fever and Japanese encephalitis. Take extra caution in …
HealthLinkBC files
… as: Watery diarrhea Fever Loss of appetite Nausea Abdominal pain and tenderness In cases where a patient has severe … including dehydration and colitis (inflammation of the lower intestine or colon). In rare cases, the infection can … the antibiotic that led to the infection. However, you should not stop taking your antibiotics until you have been …
HealthLinkBC files
… the number of mosquitos infected with WNV in B.C. is low and the risk of WNV infection in people in B.C. is … a fountain in ornamental ponds or stock them with fish Backyard pools can be a significant breeding source of mosquitoes and should be maintained regularly to prevent mosquito growth. …
HealthLinkBC files
… for total lead in drinking water, measured at the tap. You should make every effort to maintain lead levels in drinking water as low as possible. The guideline is designed to protect … lead from many sources, such as food, drinking water, soil, paint and dust. There is no evidence that drinking water in …