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HealthLinkBC files
… sludge on the bottom of the tank and the scum on the top flows out of the tank into the dispersal area. Further … operation and maintenance. An owner of a sewage system should contact an authorized person to set up an annual … where the onsite sewage system has been built Do not flush paints, solvents or any kind of toxic chemicals down the …
HealthLinkBC files
… 3 to 7 days after you are infected. They include abdominal pain, fever and diarrhea. Bloody diarrhea can occur in … at home or at a petting zoo Always store raw meat on the lowest shelf of the refrigerator in a covered bowl to … For more information For more information see the following HealthLinkBC Files: HealthLinkBC File #03 Pasteurized …
HealthLinkBC files
… In damp areas, mould may grow where there is less air flow, like behind couches and under beds. Mould often looks … To prevent moisture, high humidity and condensation, follow these steps: Install and use exhaust fans vented to the … floors, bedding and soft furnishings. People with allergies should leave the room during vacuuming and for at least an …
HealthLinkBC files
… muscle mass, grip strength and balance, mobility problems, slower reflexes, muscle weakness, poor balance and poor … about falls risk assessment and management. How can someone lower their risk of falling? There are four main ways that … brain healthy and improves mood Adults aged 65 and older should do at least 150 minutes (about 2 and a half hours) of …
HealthLinkBC files
… condoms Internal (“female’) and external (“male”) condoms should not be used at the same time. Using 2 condoms … an external (“male”) condom? To use an external condom, follow these steps: Wash your hands Carefully open the package … up to 2 hours before sex. To use an internal condom, follow these steps: Wash your hands Carefully open the package …
HealthLinkBC files
… helps prevent pregnancy by doing one or more of the following: Preventing ovulation (i.e. the ovary does not … Speak to your health care provider about how long you should use a barrier method, even after you stop taking a …
HealthLinkBC files
… inhaling asbestos, see HealthLinkBC File #32 Asbestos: When should I worry? Health Canada and the World Health … (MAC) to monitor asbestos in drinking water. The BC Ministry of Health works with Health Canada and the BC Centre for …
HealthLinkBC files
… Check what you know . Answer yes or no to the following sentences about vaccines and the immune system. I … without your baby getting the disease. Vaccines also allow your baby’s immune system to make memory cells. After … time. To protect your baby as soon as possible, your baby should get their vaccines starting at 2 months of age. Most …
HealthLinkBC files
… Common symptoms include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain and fever. In Canada, over 4 million people get sick … or make your own sanitizer with bleach and water. Always follow instructions on the product label. Some dishwashers can … contamination. To reduce the risk: Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from other foods in your grocery cart, …
HealthLinkBC files
… by Salmonella bacteria. Symptoms include sudden stomach pain, diarrhea, fever, nausea and vomiting. Dehydration may … in a wide variety of foods, such as raw or undercooked poultry and meat, unpasteurized dairy products and raw or … a long time at room temperature Be aware that eating the following foods will increase your risk of Salmonella …