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HealthLinkBC files
… be found in chest hair, armpit hair, on the upper thighs, lower abdomen, eyebrows, eyelashes, and facial hair. How are … The bites may also become infected, causing irritation and painful swelling. Bites from the lice can cause a rash or … Skin infections can be caused by frequent scratching. What should I do with my clothes, bed sheets, and towels? All …
HealthLinkBC files
… Mild to severe diarrhea Bloody diarrhea Nausea Stomach pain Fever Vomiting Symptoms start an average of 2 to 5 days … If water sources such as streams, rivers, lakes or shallow wells are not treated properly, drinking the water may … suck their thumbs or put their hands in their mouths What should I do if I become infected with Campylobacter ? If you …
HealthLinkBC files
… checking services Referrals to health and social services Should families, caregivers and friends be concerned if a … substances for enjoyment and socializing, or to cope with pain or trauma. Substance use falls along a spectrum, from … Foundry See the following HealthLinkBC Files: HealthLinkBC File #30a The …
HealthLinkBC files
… causes symptoms such as cough, shortness of breath, chest pain and headaches. Gastro-intestinal symptoms can also … anxiety, depression and even personality changes. If swallowed Ingestion of elemental mercury is generally non-toxic … on disposing of the bag What healthcare precautions should I take to protect myself and my family from mercury …
HealthLinkBC files
… bodies of water but is more common for them to grow in shallow, slow moving or still water. This includes ponds, … sore throat, dizziness, stomach cramps, diarrhea, abdominal pain, vomiting, muscle aches, mouth ulcers and blistering of … HealthLinkBC File #49b Disinfecting Drinking Water . Who should I contact to report cyanobacteria? If you are …
HealthLinkBC files
… care of your teeth and gums during pregnancy for the following reasons: Hormonal changes during pregnancy can affect … your dentist or dental hygienist that you are pregnant. Any pain, swelling or infection in your mouth should be treated right away to keep you and your baby …
HealthLinkBC files
… yourself and others by knowing when to wash your hands. How should I properly wash my hands? To properly wash your hands, or your child’s hands, follow the steps below: Remove rings or other jewelry on the … the toilet yourself Handle raw food such as meats or poultry Touch pets or animals Clean pet cages or litter boxes …
HealthLinkBC files
… it may be to correct issues of ocular development. Should my child have a vision test? All children should have a comprehensive eye examination by kindergarten entry. Children may not know that they have a vision problem. Changes in a child's vision happen very slowly. A child may think that everyone else sees the same …
HealthLinkBC files
… reduce the spread of chickenpox, children with the illness should not attend daycare or school until 5 days after the … the virus can become active again later in life and cause a painful rash with blisters called shingles. Symptoms of … and chills. People may feel itching, tingling, or extreme pain in the area where a rash develops several days later. …
HealthLinkBC files
… with the vaccine at a young age is important. Who should get the hepatitis B vaccine at birth? The hepatitis B … who has a household member or caregiver with hepatitis B should also get the vaccine at birth. For a list of those … immunization schedule. If you are unsure when your baby should be immunized or tested, speak with your health care …