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HealthLinkBC files
… is accidentally smothered by items in the bed, such as pillows, toys, heavy blankets, or by a parent, child, or pet … SIDS. Some babies, such as premature babies and those with low birth weight, are at higher risk of SIDS than others. … night and for naps) Babies who sleep on their backs are at lower risk than babies who sleep on their stomach or sides. …
HealthLinkBC files
… to be removed. What can contribute to tooth decay? The following factors may contribute to early childhood tooth … of age. The bottom front teeth usually appear first, followed by the top front teeth. In total, 20 teeth should … making your baby fussy. Your baby may feel better if allowed to chew on a clean, chilled teething ring, teething …
HealthLinkBC files
… that are little or no risk to human health. For example, low levels of fluoride have dental benefits, but high levels … and instructions. Read the instructions carefully and follow them exactly. The lab (or your local health authority) … and costs of treatment devices and their maintenance, follow-up sampling, and ongoing testing are the responsibility …
HealthLinkBC files
… to cold or hot weather before temperature measurement Follow the best practices and the manufacturer's instructions … Help stop the spread of germs . Make sure to read and follow the manufacturer’s instructions each time you use a … incorrect, even when the manufacturer’s directions are followed: Use a clean probe tip each time, and follow the …
HealthLinkBC files
… than from the vaccine. The risks of serious reactions following MMRV vaccine have not been established. They may be … as congenital varicella syndrome (CVS). Babies may have a low birth weight, scars and problems with their limbs, eyes … on measles, mumps, rubella and varicella, see the following HealthLinkBC Files: HealthLinkBC File #14a Measles, …
HealthLinkBC files
… Keep cool outside During an extreme heat event, you can lower the risk of heat-related illness by keeping infants … to stay well hydrated; try having a cool non-alcoholic, low sugar drink during every feed in addition to other … children, sleeping on a firm mattress and using a firm pillow may help keep them cooler during sleep Remove waterproof …
HealthLinkBC files
… front of the fan. Keep in mind that fans might not help to lower your core body temperature when it is very hot Turn … coverage and a Sun Protection Factor (SPF) of at least 30 Lower activity levels and avoid intense activity If you are … for you to stay hydrated. Try having a cool non-alcoholic, low-sugar drink during every feed in addition to other …
HealthLinkBC files
… skin at the site where the blisters or sores may appear, followed by painful herpes sores or tiny blisters. Other … a primary outbreak. When the blisters break, painful shallow ulcers appear. These ulcers crust over and usually heal … have genital herpes before they become pregnant are at very low risk of passing it to their infant. How do I find out if …
HealthLinkBC files
… will probably enjoy it too. Remember to keep the volume low. Babies also learn through touch. Help them explore … learn to enjoy tummy time. Some ways to do this are by: Slowly adding more tummy time each day Talking and singing to … parents support and encourage their children to play as follows: Play actively – toddlers need at least 180 minutes of …