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… the necessities of life. Why does abuse or neglect happen? Most people do not intend to become abusive or neglectful. … and the possibility of abuse or neglect, pay attention to your own emotional and physical health. Here are some signs … exhausted Needing medication to help you sleep or cope Making changes in your lifestyle, including the amount you …
HealthLinkBC files
… vaccines are usually available beginning in October. For your best protection, get immunized as soon as possible. You can find information on booking an appointment to get immunized on the Government of British … result in weakness and paralysis of the body’s muscles. It most commonly occurs after infections. In rare cases GBS can …
HealthLinkBC files
… 5 days before and 5 days after the rash appears. They are most contagious from the day before and for the first few … for a person to get sick after exposure to the virus. If your child is exposed to chickenpox, watch for signs of the … on your age, personal health, and severity of the illness. Most healthy children will only need to stay at home and …
HealthLinkBC files
… toilet, or to become independent in toileting. Start when your child shows you they are ready. Make toilet learning a … skill. How do I know my child is ready for toilet learning? Most children show interest in learning to use the toilet … may be ready for toilet learning if you answer ‘yes’ to most of the questions below: Can your child walk to the …
HealthLinkBC files
… to air pollution within enclosed spaces. Concentrations of most VOCs are higher in indoor air than outdoor air. These … through off gassing. For example, formaldehyde, one of the most common VOCs, is a colourless gas with an acrid (sharp … as containing low VOCs Do not allow smoking in or near your home. Second-hand smoke contains many pollutants, …
HealthLinkBC files
… or in institutional settings. Those who abuse are most often family members such as a person’s spouse or … or sexually assaults them. Sexual abuse can also include making sexual comments or jokes, and unwanted touching or … Abuse and Information Line (SAIL) to receive guidance about your concern. How can abuse and neglect be prevented? There …
HealthLinkBC files
… who get Q fever will not show any signs of the illness. Most of the time, Q fever is mistaken for a short-term viral … Headache Muscle pain Malaise (a general sick feeling) In most cases, the illness lasts less than 2 weeks and does not … aborts their offspring. You can also get sick from touching your face after touching contaminated animal tissue or …
HealthLinkBC files
… about their world through all of the sounds around them. If your child cannot hear well, they will likely have trouble … before you go home or in your community soon after birth. Most babies born in a hospital are screened before they … sedation Visual Reinforcement Audiometry (VRA) This test is mostly used for babies over 6 months of age. This test uses …
HealthLinkBC files
… the virus. What are the symptoms of West Nile virus? Most people infected with WNV will not get sick. A few … you cannot find a cause, or other symptoms of WNV, contact your health care provider. What is the treatment for West … specific treatment, medication or cure for the infection. Most people who are infected with WNV get better, but it may …
HealthLinkBC files
… some infections. Some of these infections can also affect your developing baby. If you are pregnant and want to … time to travel is during 18 to 24 weeks of pregnancy. Most complications during pregnancy occur during the first … Fever Can I travel by air? Air travel is normally safe for most pregnant women up to 36 weeks gestation. However, there …