235 results found
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… Document Punjabi Document Spanish Document Vietnamese Keep your child safe. Get all vaccines on time. By getting all … they have vaccine in stock and to find out if you need an appointment. Who should get the MMR vaccine? The MMR vaccine … (1957 for health care workers) get 2 doses of the vaccine. Most people born before 1970 will have had measles and mumps …
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… Tigrinya Document Ukrainian Document Vietnamese Keep your child safe. Get all vaccines on time. By getting all vaccines on time, your child can be protected from many diseases over a … immunizations. Call your health care provider to make an appointment. Who should get the chickenpox vaccine? Children …
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… light, and helps you to tell colours apart. Vitamin D helps your body absorb calcium and reduces the risk of … or developing immune systems. What can you do to protect yourself and your family? Purchase milk products from your grocer or …
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… Spanish Document Vietnamese Before you travel When planning your trip, think of ways to stay healthy while travelling. Visit a travel clinic at least 4 weeks before your trip to get the immunizations you need Buy medical … glasses or contact lenses and a written prescription from your eye doctor If you have an ongoing health concern, talk …
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… provider and have lab tests done. How is it spread? PID is most often caused by STIs. Factors that make getting PID … PID infection Sexual contact Medical procedures that open your cervix such as abortion, dilation & curettage (D&C), or … and do not know they have it. However, when present, the most common symptoms are: Pain in the lower abdomen (usually …
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… of breath If the disease gets worse, fluid builds up in your lungs, making it harder to breathe. In North America, about 1 out … of the symptoms and complications of HPS can be treated. Most patients are admitted to intensive care in a hospital. …
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… products Excludes animal meat, poultry, fish and seafood Most babies are ready to start solid foods around 6 months old. Your child can eat many of the same foods enjoyed by the … Before you start (#69a) Feeding your baby formula: Safely making and storing formula (#69b) Baby's first foods (#69c) …
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… and included. Human milk (breast milk) is the only food your baby needs for the first 6 months. When your baby … days and during growth spurts. By their second day of life, most babies feed at least 8 times in 24 hours (one day). … Before you start (#69a) Feeding your baby formula: Safely making and storing formula (#69b) Baby's first foods (#69c) …
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… at risk of getting infected. While molluscum contagiosum is most common among children under 10 years of age, the … with a weaker immune system. Molluscum contagiosum is most common in places with warm, humid climates, but it can … do not work. If you have symptoms or questions, contact your health care provider, or call 8-1-1 to speak with a …
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… adequate filtration and recirculation of the water in your hot tub or pool. How can I make sure the water is safe? … chemicals are within the recommended range prior to using your pool or hot tub. Disinfectants kill germs. However, … Cyanuric acid should not be used in indoor pools in most situations. If other disinfectants are used, like ozone …