234 results found
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… Trichomoniasis is a sexually transmitted infection (STI) caused by a parasite called Trichomonas vaginalis . It is … care provider and have lab tests done. Currently, lab tests can only find trichomoniasis in women; testing for men is … and not have any symptoms. For women symptoms can include: Change in amount and/or colour (often …
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… when the brain and skull are missing some parts Some NTDs cause babies to be stillborn or to have lifelong disabilities. How can I lower my baby's risk of being born with a neural tube defect? NTDs can happen during the very early weeks of pregnancy, when …
HealthLinkBC files
… Vietnamese What is heat-related illness? Too much heat can be harmful to your health. Heat-related illness is the result of your body gaining heat faster than it can cool itself down. Heat-related illnesses can almost … if you do not drink enough fluids to stay hydrated. What causes heat-related illness? A healthy human body maintains …
HealthLinkBC files
… diluted with air and poses little risk. However, radon gas can build up inside homes and other buildings and pose a … buildings through the soil underneath the building. It can move through cracks in the foundation, construction … what is my risk? Exposure to radon over the long-term can cause lung cancer. About 16% of lung cancer deaths in Canada …
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… brake linings. Asbestos is usually white. The matted fibres can be crumbly and airbone if unbound or deteriorated. … Asbestos is no longer widely used commercially, but it can still exist in many older homes and buildings. You may … flooring and ceiling materials. Which health problems are caused by asbestos? Most of the time asbestos poses very …
HealthLinkBC files
… sun harmful to children? Children have sensitive skin that can easily be damaged by exposure to ultraviolet (UV) … sun, even on cloudy or overcast days. Too much sun exposure can cause sunburns, heat stroke/heat exhaustion, skin cancers, …
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… types of bacteria, viruses and parasites (pathogens) that cause water-borne infections. Some water-borne infections can cause severe illness and even death. Water suppliers add … Infant mortality also declined. Most cities or towns in Canada use chlorine disinfectants to treat drinking water. …
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… Spanish Document Vietnamese Abuse and neglect in later life can affect an adult’s health, happiness, safety and financial security. Older adults can experience different kinds of harm from people they rely … the emotional effects of abuse and neglect? Individuals who cause abuse and neglect to older adults often threaten, …
HealthLinkBC files
… that affects the outer layer of the skin. The virus causes small, smooth bumps on the skin’s surface. These can spread easily but are not harmful. What are the … A molluscum infection begins as tiny painless bumps that can appear anywhere on the body from 2 weeks to 6 months …
HealthLinkBC files
… treatment, some people with chronic HCV will develop significant liver disease. This can lead to scarring of the liver (cirrhosis), liver failure … local health unit or support groups Avoid alcohol as it can cause further damage to your liver. If you do drink alcohol, …