234 results found
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… use disorder. A harm reduction approach to substance use can support and build trust for loved ones who use substances. How can families, caregivers and friends reduce harm with people … that the person may not want supports at this time How can families, caregivers, and friends reduce harm with a …
HealthLinkBC files
… provider may request that you have one or more ultrasound scans during your pregnancy. These prenatal ultrasound scans provide important medical information that will help … baby. What is a prenatal ultrasound? A prenatal ultrasound scan is a painless medical procedure ordered by your …
HealthLinkBC files
… dietary fibre, is the part of plant foods that the body cannot digest. Fibre is found in vegetables and fruit, whole … nuts and seeds, and dried beans, peas and lentils. Fibre can be either insoluble or soluble. Most foods have a combination of both. Canada’s food guide recommends eating whole grain foods like …
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… to estrogen and progestin, which your body produces. It can have many clinical uses including: Preventing pregnancy … affect my other medications? Hormonal contraception can make some medications (or herbal supplements) work less … may also suggest you change your medication or the dose. Can other medications affect my contraception? Yes. Certain …
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… or 'bad' cholesterol Having high LDL cholesterol can block blood vessels over time and lead to a heart attack … rich in soluble fibre, nuts, soy protein and plant sterols. Canada's Food Guide and the Mediterranean diet are also … whole grains and plant-based proteins What dietary changes can help lower LDL cholesterol? Choose foods with healthy …
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… and body fluids, such as saliva, semen and vaginal fluid, can contain viruses that can be passed on to other people. If you have contact with a … Reporting the incident immediately after a sexual assault can help to ensure that as much evidence as possible is …
HealthLinkBC files
… considered capable to give consent. A health care provider can accept consent from the child and provide health care … office or pharmacy. In all of these settings, a child can consent to the vaccine on their own behalf if the health … ready to make a decision, the child will not be immunized. Can a parent or guardian provide consent for a child in …
HealthLinkBC files
… to get all vaccines on time. Yes No I know why my child can safely get more than one vaccine at a time. Yes No I … often called germs. Some germs that enter your baby’s body can make your baby very sick. From birth, the immune system … them against these diseases long after their immunization. Can my baby get more than one vaccine at a time? Yes. Your …
HealthLinkBC files
… on time. By getting all vaccines on time, your child can be protected from many diseases over a lifetime. Immunization has saved more lives in Canada in the last 50 years than any other health measure. … in the clinic for 15 minutes after getting any vaccine because there is an extremely rare possibility, less than 1 in …
HealthLinkBC files
… Document Vietnamese Immunization has saved more lives in Canada in the last 50 years than any other health measure. … If your child received any vaccines outside of B.C., you can update their immunization record at … What is meningococcal infection? Meningococcal infection is caused by bacteria. Meningococcal infection due to types A, …