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HealthLinkBC files
… impetigo can get into the bloodstream and cause kidney disease. How is it spread? Impetigo is very infectious. It … wash their hands carefully and often, especially after any physical contact. Wash clothes and linens separately If your … and clean. Help them to wash their hands often. As the disease develops, loose crusts on the skin can be soaked for …
HealthLinkBC files
… the vaccines on time, your child can be protected from many diseases over a lifetime. Immunization has saved more lives … help protect others as well If your child is immune to the disease, your child cannot get sick and infect others. Your … friends and neighbours Young babies Seniors People with diseases such as cancer or other medical conditions Vaccines …
HealthLinkBC files
… West Nile virus? West Nile virus, also known as WNV, is a disease usually spread by mosquitoes. Mosquitoes can become … on tick bites, see HealthLinkBC File #01 Tick bites and disease . Is DEET safe? Yes, products containing DEET are …
HealthLinkBC files
… inactivate and remove viruses and bacteria that can cause disease. The final preparation of Ig undergoes more testing … 14 days What is hepatitis A? Hepatitis A is a preventable disease that affects the liver. Symptoms may include … take longer to recover or have a more serious course of the disease. What is measles? Measles, also known as red …
HealthLinkBC files
… Spanish Document Vietnamese What is Q fever? Q fever is a disease that spreads from animals to humans. It exists all … with their health care provider. Complications from this disease are rare. They are more likely to happen if you are … older adult or have a weakened immune system. People with diseased or artificial heart valves who get Q fever are at …
HealthLinkBC files
… developmental disability in Canada. It can include lifelong physical, learning and behavioural disabilities. Children, …
HealthLinkBC files
… in their families. Giardia can also spread during sexual activity when there is contact with feces. What are the … 48 hours after the diarrhea has stopped. Avoiding this activity will help to ensure that other swimmers do not … practices and try to avoid contact with feces during sexual activity How can Giardia cysts be removed from water? If …