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178 results found
HealthLinkBC files
… aluminum in the environment. Aluminum is found in the air, food and water. It is even in breast milk and infant …
HealthLinkBC files
… water supply/source You are travelling in an area where the safety of the water is questionable You have a weakened … least 2 minutes Store disinfected water in clean, covered, food grade containers Can I use bleach to disinfect water? … or bottled water for the following activities: Drinking and food preparation. This includes cleaning raw vegetables and …
HealthLinkBC files
… Vietnamese Manganese (Mn) is an element found in air, food, soil, consumer products and drinking water. Why is … don’t drink discoloured water or use it to prepare food or infant formula until you get confirmation that it is … periods of time. Therefore, there are built-in additional safety factors. Drinking water with manganese levels above …
HealthLinkBC files
… of rodent shelter, such as thick bushes or wood piles, and food or garbage within 35 meters of your home. Block all … these specialized masks. Specialized masks are available at safety supply stores and some hardware and home building … cabins where there are mouse or rat droppings. Keep your food in rodent-proof containers. For more information For …
HealthLinkBC files
… women who have rubella infection in the first 3 months of pregnancy. CRS is rare because so many women are immune to … If you are not immune, you should be immunized after your pregnancy, preferably before leaving the hospital. Rubella … or touch objects contaminated with the virus. Sharing food, drinks or cigarettes, or kissing someone who has the …
HealthLinkBC files
… might be contacted to participate in a study monitoring the safety of the vaccine. To learn more about the study, please … for colonoscopy. PEG can be an additive in some processed foods and drinks, but no cases of anaphylaxis to PEG in foods and drinks have been reported. Speak with your health …
HealthLinkBC files
… relatively new, we don't have a lot of information on their safety. There is not much research on how effective HTPs are … vaping rather than HTPs. There is more information on the safety of vaping than there is for HTPs. What are the risks … Canadian market. There is not a lot of evidence about their safety and potential risks are not yet clear. Nicotine …
HealthLinkBC files
… precautions can help minimize the risk. Follow these safety tips when removing lead-based paint from walls, … most importantly, a U.S. National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) approved respirator for dust, … to reduce the possible intake of lead. Consult your local safety equipment dealer. Do not eat, drink, or smoke in an …
HealthLinkBC files
… softeners Ignoring the urge when you have to go Stress Pregnancy hormones A change in regular routine or travelling … to help keep your bowel movements regular. Fibre-rich foods hold liquid in your stools to keep them soft. Aim to … fibre, remember to drink more fluids. In general, specific foods do not cause constipation or make it worse. Which …
HealthLinkBC files
… do not dive into unknown waters. See HealthLinkBC File #39 Safety Tips for Swimmers or contact the Lifesaving Society … at for more information on swimming safety and drowning prevention Dry yourself off with a towel …