190 results found
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… It can have many clinical uses including: Preventing pregnancy (all methods) Gender-affirming/transition care … Pill) Acne control (some methods) Preventing heavy bleeding during menstruation (IUDs) Other uses Talk to your health … options with you that will not affect your contraception. Pregnancy prevention How does hormonal contraception prevent …
HealthLinkBC files
… reducing health risks. You can disinfect water by adding chemicals, using heat, using ultraviolet (UV) radiation, filtration or using a combination of these … water supply/source You are travelling in an area where the safety of the water is questionable You have a weakened …
HealthLinkBC files
… Asbestos: When Should I Worry . How can I protect myself during the clean-up? Wear appropriate protective equipment … needed to kill mold completely. Always follow manufacturer safety instructions when handling disinfectants and … district. What precautions should be taken for food safety? When food and food-contact surfaces (drawers, …
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… Table 1 for pools and Table 2 for hot tubs. Ensure that all chemicals are within the recommended range prior to using … hot tub or pool water should be measured daily, especially during periods of high use. Pool and hot tub owners should … add chemicals to water and not water to chemicals. Follow safety instructions on the product label and safety data …
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… women who have rubella infection in the first 3 months of pregnancy. CRS is rare because so many women are immune to … If you are not immune, you should be immunized after your pregnancy, preferably before leaving the hospital. Rubella vaccine should not be given during pregnancy as a general precaution of avoiding live …
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… and found to be safe, this doesn’t mean yours is too. The safety of your well water depends on surface and underground … that you cannot taste, see or smell, such as bacteria and chemicals that could affect your health. These can enter … is complete and continued annually. The most common chemicals of concern in B.C. groundwater are: nitrates, …
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… trees, soil and vegetation, water quality may decline. During a wildfire, it's important that you have access to … and water supplies may need to be tested for bacteria and chemicals before being used. In some cases, repairs or … before wearing it. For more information about health and safety around fire retardants, see BC Centre for Disease …
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… coordination for grasping, holding and throwing things. During the preschool years, children further develop vision … You can reduce the risk of eye injuries and increase eye safety for children by doing the following: Do not allow … Keep your child away from power tools, lawn mowers or chemicals Limit your child’s screen viewing to no more than …
HealthLinkBC files
… Second-hand tobacco smoke is poisonous. It has over 7,000 chemicals, hundreds of which are toxic and at least 70 that … Emerging research indicates that exposure to nicotine during pregnancy may impact fetal development. How can I prevent …
HealthLinkBC files
… Most people can get sick with influenza several times during their lives. An influenza vaccine is the best … given by injection is considered safe at any stage of pregnancy. People in the second half of pregnancy are at much higher risk of hospitalization due to …