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… with the vaccine at a young age is important. Who should get the hepatitis B vaccine at birth? The hepatitis B … vaccine . Babies immunized at birth need to have a blood test 4 weeks after their last dose of hepatitis … with infected blood and some body fluids - for example during childbirth. Hepatitis B is also spread by sharing …
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… babies. If a pregnant woman contracts rubella, she may have a miscarriage or stillbirth. Her baby may be born with … women who have rubella infection in the first 3 months of pregnancy. CRS is rare because so many women are immune to … (you have not had the disease or been immunized), you should get the MMR vaccine, and then wait 1 month before …
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… dental floss, razors, nail files or other items which could have tiny amounts of blood on them From a pregnant person to their baby, during pregnancy or birth What are the symptoms? Most people who … share personal care items that may have blood on them What should I do if I prick myself with a used needle? Follow …
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… who get hepatitis B show no symptoms and may not know they have the disease. How common is hepatitis B virus infection? … include straws, pipes, spoons, cookers and needles During pregnancy to a baby before or during delivery HBV is not … infection Coughing or sneezing Through water or food What should I do if I have been exposed to hepatitis B virus? See …
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… problems affecting people exposed to alcohol during pregnancy. FASD is the leading developmental disability in … alcohol if you’re breast/chest feeding, but if you want to have an occasional drink, it does not mean you need to stop … For example, if a person has 2 alcoholic drinks, they should wait at least 4 hours before breast/chest feeding. …
HealthLinkBC files
… that flood waters are usually very dirty. Items that have come into contact with flood water should be handled carefully. Flood waters passing over land … Asbestos: When Should I Worry . How can I protect myself during the clean-up? Wear appropriate protective equipment …
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… or by a parent, child, or pet rolling onto the baby during sleep. What causes SIDS? The cause of SIDS is not … body and the cushions and leave them unable to breathe. Have a bassinet or crib ready, or someone else to take the … the car seat once you have reached your destination. Babies should not be left to sleep in a car seat, a stroller, baby …
HealthLinkBC files
… when your child has a fever of 38ºC (100.4ºF) or higher. During a febrile seizure, a child may have shaking or jerking movements of their body, head, arms … can be given for fever or soreness. ASA (e.g. Aspirin®) should not be given to anyone under 18 years of age due to …
HealthLinkBC files
… people who get mumps. Adults and teens with mumps can have painful swelling of the testicles (about 1 in 4 cases) … damage or sterility. Mumps infection in the early stage of pregnancy may increase the rate of miscarriage but has not … or the recommended number of doses of a mumps vaccine you should get immunized. Although getting the mumps vaccine …
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… severely weakened by HIV. Having HIV does not mean that you have AIDS. How can I get HIV? HIV is found in body fluids, … is lower) a mother with HIV can pass it to her baby during pregnancy, childbirth, or while breastfeeding (breastfeeding … https://fipa.bc.ca/get-help/your-health-information . Should my partner(s) be tested for HIV? If you have an HIV …