230 results found
HealthLinkBC files
… from landing on and biting your skin. Insect repellent should be used when you are outdoors to protect against … by mosquitoes. Mosquitoes can become carriers of the virus after biting birds infected with the virus. It is possible … Spray your hands and then rub the product over the face. Try to avoid getting it around your mouth or in your eyes. …
HealthLinkBC files
… safety, and they can help develop a safety plan. What should I do if I see a crime or harmful situation? Call the …
HealthLinkBC files
… information, visit HealthLinkBC File #32 Asbestos: When should I worry? Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive … fan on or open a nearby window for at least 30 minutes after showering or cooking If water damage occurs, repair … and carpets into your home. If this is not possible, try to increase the ventilation in rooms with new furniture …
HealthLinkBC files
… Children and teens at risk of a severe allergic reaction should also see a pediatric allergist. If your child is at … give a second dose of epinephrine as soon as 5 minutes after the first dose Ensure your child gets to a hospital The above section has been adapted from: Anaphylaxis in Schools and …
HealthLinkBC files
… and plan to travel by plane, sit in a seat above the wing. Try to move your head as little as possible. You may want to … an SPF of 30 or higher. Apply repellent 15 to 30 minutes after sunscreen. Products that combine sunscreen and … but they can reduce the risk Women who only use diaphragms should male partners to use condoms as well. Avoid engaging …
HealthLinkBC files
… cramps Mild fever The symptoms can start 2 to 10 days after contact with or consuming something contaminated with … it is wrapped well and kept away from other foods. Do not try cooking frozen or partially frozen meat Wash your hands … first Serve cooked meats right away or keep them hot. They should be at least 60°C (140°F) or hotter, until you are …
HealthLinkBC files
… likely to occur during an older adult’s health crisis or after a major change in health. Some older adults become … Make sure you understand every document you sign What should I do if I see a crime or harmful situation? Call the …
HealthLinkBC files
… smoke can have a greater risk of miscarriages, premature birth and babies with low birth weight. How does second-hand smoke harm babies and … research indicates that exposure to nicotine during pregnancy may impact fetal development. How can I prevent …
HealthLinkBC files
… regularly wash your hands with soap and water, especially after using the toilet and before you eat. Use an … by yourself. You will also be put on contact precautions to try to prevent spreading the infection to others. What is … the antibiotic that led to the infection. However, you should not stop taking your antibiotics until you have been …
HealthLinkBC files
… in a wide variety of foods, such as raw or undercooked poultry and meat, unpasteurized dairy products and raw or undercooked eggs. It … or ready-to-eat foods on them. Always wash or sanitize them after putting raw meat and poultry on them. How do I prevent …