192 results found
HealthLinkBC files
… sneezing Through water or food What should I do if I have been exposed to hepatitis B virus? See your health care provider … tests to see if you have a new HBV infection or if you have been infected with HBV before. It can take 4 to 12 weeks …
HealthLinkBC files
… in your cupboards or pantry. If you eat food that has been contaminated by rodents, you may get a foodborne … often, so it is important to find and get rid of them quickly and efficiently. Even if you do not see an actual … property and you want to try rat poison, there are certain things you should consider: Set out non-poisoned food for a …
HealthLinkBC files
… spots appear first on the face and scalp, and then spread quickly down the body and to the arms and legs. The spots … lasts about 10 days. What is the treatment? If you have been exposed to the chickenpox virus, your treatment will … rest but you do not need to stay in bed. The most helpful things you can do are those that make you or your child feel …
HealthLinkBC files
… water if pipes, meters, and wellheads are burned or exposed to heat. If pipes are damaged and leak, there is … after it's treated. How do I know if my water quality has been affected? If you are on a community water system, your … into drinking water sources is very small, and levels drop quickly over time. Foams typically get burned-off when used …
HealthLinkBC files
… is recommended for children older than 2 years old. Though quick to use, the ear method can produce temperature … speak to your health care provider. After a thermometer has been used to take a rectal temperature, do not use it to … . The information in this HealthLinkBC File has been adapted with the permission of Alberta Health and …
HealthLinkBC files
… chemicals: the aerosol produced through vaping has been found to contain chemicals and contaminants (such as … on current evidence. Compared to cigarettes, a person is exposed to lower amounts of toxic and cancer-causing … medication) If you have tried the approaches above and been unsuccessful, switching to vaping may reduce the harms …
HealthLinkBC files
… on the length of exposure and amount of smoke you are exposed to. For some people, even low levels of exposure can … friends to create a smoke and vape-free environment. For tips on creating a smoke and vape-free home, please visit … and for pets. Children tend to crawl around and put things in their mouths that may have third-hand smoke …
HealthLinkBC files
… in some sunscreens can trigger a skin rash or burn when exposed to the sun. Do a patch test on a small area of skin … playing or walking outdoors. What are other sun safety tips? Always protect your child’s skin and try to stay … sun’s rays. Actually, having a tan means that your skin has been damaged already by UV radiation Teach children to be …
HealthLinkBC files
… can be poisonous to people, pets or livestock. How can I be exposed to cyanobacteria? You can be exposed to cyanobacteria by drinking water or by getting it … Take special care to ensure that infants and babies are not exposed to water that is contaminated with cyanobacteria. …
HealthLinkBC files
… ships. What are the symptoms? Within 1 to 2 days of being exposed to norovirus you may have the following symptoms: an … To help stop the spread of the virus, follow these tips: Wash your hands, especially after using the toilet, … choking and potentially death. Throw out any food that has been handled by a person with the virus or exposed while a …