192 results found
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… PDF Document English What is a bed bug? Bed bugs are small, quick-moving, wingless insects with flat, oval bodies. They … bump or flat welt that may be itchy. Bed bugs usually bite exposed parts of the body (not covered by clothes), such as … are they? canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/pest-control-tips/bedbugs-what-are-they.html Canadian Pest Management …
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… infection or a wound. It can also be spread from sharing things like towels, bedding or other personal items with … contact with a contaminated wound or bandage. There have been a few cases of transmission of MRSA between members of … particularly in hospitals where previous cases of MRSA have been reported. Injection drug users and people with …
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… the qualities of water to reduce corrosion. Schools have been advised to sample water to ensure lead is at safe … If elevated lead in drinking water is suspected or has been measured in your water supply, you should reduce your … the morning or any other time the plumbing system has not been used for several hours. Always use cold tap water for …
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… vegetarian recipes for toddlers 2 years of age and older, tips for cooking with plant-based protein foods and more. … Check the nutrition facts table to see if vitamin B12 has been added Speak to your health care provider about vitamin … be high in fibre, which can fill up a child’s small stomach quickly. This can make it hard for children to get enough …
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… the 1960s in Canada. The use of asbestos-cement pipes has been largely discontinued since the 1970s, but some remain … pipes reach the end of their lifespan or are exposed during construction, they are typically replaced …
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… vegetarian recipes for toddlers 2 years of age and older, tips for cooking with plant-based protein foods and more For … Check the nutrition facts table to see if vitamin B12 has been added Speak to your health care provider about vitamin … be high in fibre, which can fill up a child’s small stomach quickly. This can make it hard for children to get enough …
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… for TB infection. You can do a TST to see if you have ever been exposed to TB. It tells your health care provider if your … allergic reaction called anaphylaxis. Anaphylaxis has been very rarely reported following a TST with Tubersol®. …
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… more may need to get the vaccine. You are more likely to be exposed to contaminated food and water in these high risk … The vaccine is also recommended for: Workers routinely exposed to typhoid bacteria, such as certain researchers and …
HealthLinkBC files
… of becoming infected with VRE are low, even if you have been in contact with someone with VRE. You may be at higher risk if you have been treated with frequent doses of vancomycin before, or if … have stayed for a long time in a hospital where there have been previous VRE cases. Patients whose immune systems are …
HealthLinkBC files
… HealthLinkBC File #25a Hepatitis B vaccine . If you have been diagnosed with acute or chronic HBV infection, you can … infection for more information Advise anyone who has been exposed to your blood or body fluids that you are …