57 results found
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… cold running water or in a bowl filled with cold water and ice. Store in the fridge and use within 24 hours. Infant … under cold running water or in a bowl filled with water and ice. Do not get tap water on the nipple or ring of the … put prepared formula in an insulated bag or cooler with an ice pack. Use the formula within 2 hours. If you plan to be …
HealthLinkBC files
… over time, the symptoms are milder, and will often go unnoticed. Genital herpes caused by HSV-1 generally does not … bathing instead of rubbing the area with a towel Apply an ice-pack, wrapped in a clean cloth, to sores Drink plenty of … lifestyle, such as a good diet, getting enough sleep and rest, exercise, and reducing stress may help limit the …
HealthLinkBC files
… metal pipes). In 1989, the BC Plumbing Code changed to restrict the use of lead in plumbing. Buildings constructed … ministries and the federal government to develop best practices and policies. They also provide advice to water suppliers and the public on reducing lead …
HealthLinkBC files
… Your health authority and water supplier can give you advice on the ‘type’ of water treatment or what precautions … so it is not recommended. Look for a water treatment device that is certified by the Standards Council of Canada (SCC). Certification means that a device works as claimed by the manufacturer. *Note: There are …
HealthLinkBC files
… Speak with other visitors to the area, local health officers or parks representatives about the water condition … signs at public beaches, lakes and picnic areas for notices stating that swimmer’s itch may be present. Not all … what treatment is right for you. Common treatments and advice include: Apply plain calamine lotion Take …
HealthLinkBC files
HealthLinkBC files
… uncooked dough, some desserts, some sauces or homemade ice cream. To reduce your risk of Salmonella infection use … food about the importance of the following food safety practices: Keep hot foods hot and cold foods cold Wash hands …
HealthLinkBC files
… is chickenpox? Chickenpox is an infection caused by the varicella-zoster virus. Chickenpox is usually a mild illness … Most healthy children will only need to stay at home and rest. Pregnant women, newborn infants, and people with …
HealthLinkBC files
… mumps, rubella (MMR) vaccine Measles, mumps, rubella and varicella (MMRV) vaccine The vaccines are provided free as … tips may help you to be more comfortable while you rest and recover: Drink plenty of fluids such as water, …
HealthLinkBC files
… (optometrist or ophthalmologist), especially if you notice any concerns. Some conditions can result in permanent … Teach children to play safely with toys and games Take rest breaks to avoid eye strain while doing close up … or reflections. Children should take regular breaks to rest their eyes when reading Teach children not to walk or …