233 results found
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… is pushing too hard against artery walls. This can damage your arteries over time and increase your risk of heart disease and stroke. Another term for high … help lower blood pressure? Healthy eating can help lower your blood pressure and improve your overall health. Here …
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… Normal bowel movements are soft and pass easily through your body. Do I need to have a bowel movement every day? No, … depression When should I see a health care provider? See your health care provider if any of the following happen: There is a sudden change in your bowel movements without a change in your daily routine …
HealthLinkBC files
… of transmitting it to others. You can greatly reduce your risk of transmitting HIV to others by taking … or rash. The only way to know if you have HIV is to have your blood tested. What is an HIV test? If you have been … to HIV, one kind of HIV test can detect proteins made in your body called antibodies, but this will not detect a very …
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… can cause death if not treated. If you are not sure whether your child is at risk of a severe allergic reaction, ask your child’s health care provider. Children and teens at … allergic reaction should also see a pediatric allergist. If your child is at risk, ask your child’s health care provider …
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… 1 or 2 hormones similar to estrogen and progestin, which your body produces. It can have many clinical uses … bleeding during menstruation (IUDs) Other uses Talk to your health care provider about which method is right for … work less effectively, such as anti-seizure drugs. Ask your health care provider about how your hormonal …
HealthLinkBC files
… they are carrying SA bacteria. When these bacteria are in your nose or on the surface of your skin, they will not normally harm you. However, if SA bacteria get into or through your skin, they can cause a variety of infections, such as …
HealthLinkBC files
… in the bowel of up to 7% of people without causing illness. Your intestines also normally contain many good bacteria … spores are found in feces. The spores can live outside your body for weeks or months. They may be found on items … you touch a surface contaminated with feces and then touch your mouth, or if you eat or drink something that is …
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… vaginal fluid Sharing sex toys Syphilis can also spread to your baby during pregnancy or birth. This is known as … can be transmitted during any of the 4 stages of infection. Your risk of having syphilis is greater if you already have … the primary stage, a painless sore can develop anywhere on your body that came into contact with an infected person. …
HealthLinkBC files
… ways for people to get toxoplasmosis include: Touching your hands to your mouth after cleaning a cat's litter box or after … or undercooked meats Drinking unpasteurized milk Touching your hands to your mouth after working in gardens or playing …
HealthLinkBC files
… sure my child has enough iron? Introduce iron-rich foods to your baby at around 6 months. This is when your baby’s iron supply starts to decrease. It’s also when your baby needs more than just human milk (breast milk) or …