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… result of your body gaining heat faster than it can cool itself down. Heat-related illnesses can almost always be … illness occurs when your body is unable to properly cool itself. This occurs when you are overexposed to heat or during … have mental illnesses such as schizophrenia, depression, or anxiety People with substance use disorders People with …
HealthLinkBC files
… them in tasks within their abilities. Take care of yourself Taking care of yourself and making sure you have regular time for yourself are important for providing care to family members or …
HealthLinkBC files
… symptoms, the only way to know your exposure is to test your home for radon. Remediation should be conducted if … testing is easy to conduct and can be done using do-it-yourself radon test kits. These kits contain small wall-mounted … Radon testing is easy and can be done with do-it-yourself tests. The cost of a testing device and results is …
HealthLinkBC files
… : vomiting, nausea, abdominal pain or diarrhea Other : anxiety, headache, metallic taste or uterine cramps How is a …
HealthLinkBC files
… tell if you have nitrate in your well water unless you test for it. Nitrate is more often found in groundwater than … may have different levels of nitrate, so you cannot rely on test results from a neighbour’s well. Who is most at risk? … water. To help keep your family safe: Have your well water tested for nitrate Never give your baby well water, or …
HealthLinkBC files
… organ transplant in countries where the blood supply is not tested for hepatitis C. In Canada, this applies to blood and … only way to know if you have hepatitis C is through a blood test. A positive HCV antibody test means that you have or … that may have blood on them What should I do if I prick myself with a used needle? Follow these steps: If possible, …
HealthLinkBC files
… water, arsenic has no odour or taste. Only a chemical test can detect the presence of arsenic. Most private wells do not have routine testing for water quality or contaminants. Any well may … contaminants. It is the well owner’s responsibility to test the water for arsenic. Test your private wells …
HealthLinkBC files
… foods help improve your baby’s coordination and encourage self-feeding. Safe finger foods include: Cooked and finely …
HealthLinkBC files
… crib, and leave the room. Take 10 to 15 minutes to give yourself a chance to calm down. It is more important to calm yourself before you try to calm your baby. If you feel unable to … is worth trying these suggestions but try not to blame yourself or get frustrated with your baby if they do not work. …
HealthLinkBC files
… get infected with C. gattii as well. The infection itself is not spread from animals to humans or from humans to … health care provider. Your health care provider can request tests if you show symptoms, but tests will not be performed just to see if you have been …