232 results found
HealthLinkBC files
… their hot tub or pool is clean and properly disinfected to prevent the spread of germs and disease. To make sure the … to reduce the amount of disinfection chemicals needed. You should not go in a pool or hot tub with open sores or … treatment is recommended Shock treatment is a process for getting rid of the combined available chlorine in a hot tub …
HealthLinkBC files
… nausea vomiting shortness of breath If the disease gets worse, fluid builds up in your lungs, making it harder … not seen mice or their droppings before becoming ill. You should take precautions even if you do not see the deer mice … their droppings. How can I protect myself? The best ways to prevent infection from hantavirus is to avoid contact with …
HealthLinkBC files
… Vietnamese Swimming injuries, drownings and deaths are preventable by following simple safety rules. These rules … area can be very slippery, especially when wet. Be careful getting in and out of the pool Use a handrail if possible … Babies who cannot sit without support and cannot wear a PFD should always be held by an adult. Older children (12-17 …
HealthLinkBC files
… and elk. During the butchering process, E. coli sometimes gets onto the surface of the meat. Whole cuts of meat such … cutting boards and counters that have touched raw meat to prevent E. coli from contaminating other foods. You can use … first Serve cooked meats right away or keep them hot. They should be at least 60°C (140°F) or hotter, until you are …
HealthLinkBC files
… Visit your health care provider if symptoms of pinkeye get worse. Your health care provider will know if anything … tell you if your child can return to school or daycare, or should stay home. If your child has been prescribed … have your child look up. This will help catch the drops and prevent any being wasted Another way is to apply the drops …
HealthLinkBC files
… his or her back every time (at night and for naps) Babies should always be placed on their backs to sleep. Healthy … her stomach) is needed for healthy development. This also prevents temporary flat spots that may develop on the back … . Put the crib together using the manufacturer’s instructions, and do not …
HealthLinkBC files
… free of the foods that cause allergic reactions, facilities should make efforts to create and maintain a safe … explains what to do in case of an allergic reaction. To get a blank copy of an Anaphylaxis Emergency Plan , visit … from scratch and any foods brought in by families or staff Prevent cross-contamination. Wash hands, utensils and food …
HealthLinkBC files
… there are many things you can do to make sure your baby gets enough iron. Offer iron-rich foods every day Your baby’s first foods should be rich in iron. Offer your baby iron-rich foods: At … File #68d Iron in foods HealthLinkBC File #110b Preventing choking in babies and young children Child …
HealthLinkBC files
… at the same time as family meals so that you can eat together as often as possible. This can help your baby learn … reaction, continue to offer it regularly. This may help prevent a food allergy from developing What can I offer my … babies Coconut, oat, rice, and nut or seed beverages should not be offered before 2 years of age. They do not …
HealthLinkBC files
… types of harmful germs even if they appear healthy. You can get sick if you come into contact with the bodily fluids or … germs can spread to people. For this reason, the public should not be involved in the animal birthing process. Which … boots or shoes while at the petting zoo. This will help prevent you and your child from slipping and falling. At the …