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… washing their hands after can pass the bacteria on to others through food preparation or hand-to-mouth contact. … when it is used for food preparation, drinking, swimming or other activities where it may be swallowed. For more … 30 minutes. Pregnant women, children, people with thyroid problems, or known iodine sensitivity should not use iodine …
HealthLinkBC files
… infant formula, evaporated milk, lower fat cow milk, other animal milk or plant-based milks to your baby. They do … Never use formula from a container with dents, bulges or other damage Use the formula before the expiration date …
HealthLinkBC files
… (Folic acid) ……………………………….. 400 mcg Supplements may contain other forms of folate that are described as naturally … too much folic acid? Too much folic acid may cause health problems. Do not take more than 1000 mcg (1 mg) of folic …
HealthLinkBC files
… of human or animal waste A flood, fire, earthquake or other event has disrupted the water supply in your community … a slight chlorine smell after the 30 minutes. If not, add another 2 drops. Let the water stand for another 15 minutes If … of time. There are potential health concerns (thyroid problems or iodine sensitivity) associated with long-term …
HealthLinkBC files
… alert bracelet if you have allergies, chronic disease, or other health concerns In case of an emergency, have an … the risk of miscarriage, stillbirth, and death for mother and infant. Pregnant women cannot take certain … that lasts a long time Fever Severe headache, visual problems, or pink eye Skin rash Joint and muscle pain For …
HealthLinkBC files
… preparation, contaminated foods can transmit bacteria to other foods or surfaces in the kitchen. This is called … including Campylobacter . If you have diarrhea or other symptoms of Campylobacter, do not handle or prepare food for others. To handle and prepare food safely: Refrigerate foods …
HealthLinkBC files
… unpasteurized milk. Yersinia bacteria can also be spread to other foods when cutting boards or utensils are used to cut … cleaned and sanitized after use, the bacteria can spread to other foods when using the same cutting board or utensils. Household pets and other domestic animals such as animals at petting zoos can …
HealthLinkBC files
… Vietnamese Wash your hands often to keep yourself and others healthy. Hand washing is the most important thing you … people or things around us. Raw foods, pets and many other objects in our daily lives carry germs. Wiping your … but you can reduce the chance of infecting yourself and others by knowing when to wash your hands. How should I …
HealthLinkBC files
… caused by a virus or bacteria, and can spread easily to other people. Pinkeye may also be caused by an allergy, air pollution or other physical or chemical irritants; however the … The bacteria or virus causing pinkeye may also be spread to others through contact with droplets from an infected …
HealthLinkBC files
… any mammal. In B.C., only bats carry rabies virus and other animals are rarely infected. In other parts of Canada and North America, strains of rabies virus are present in other species such as raccoons, skunks, foxes and coyotes. …