66 results found
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… (#68b) Iron and your health (#68c) Iron in foods (#68d) Calcium and your health (#68e) Dietary Fats and Your Health … (#68j) Managing constipation with diet: adults (#68l) Vitamin D and your health (#68n) … Heart Healthy Eating for …
HealthLinkBC files
… raisins, and gummies or hard candies. Do not offer chewable vitamins. How much food should I offer to my baby? The … times each day Use little or no added salt or sugar Include sources of fat such as vegetable oil, nut or seed butters, … soft margarine, cheese, fatty fish and avocado. Nutritious sources of fat are important for your growing child Offer …
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… Spanish Document Vietnamese Wildfires can impact water sources used for our drinking water. For example: nearby … of ash, soil erosion and fire debris Algal blooms in water sources. For more information on cyanobacteria blooms … of fire retardant or foams that get into drinking water sources is very small, and levels drop quickly over time. …
HealthLinkBC files
… are the natural origins of Nitrates. In addition to these sources, nitrate makes its way into well water through other sources such as: Agricultural activities (including … or verified and deemed to be a safe supply Alternative sources of water include: Water from a municipal …
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… (VOCs) are gases that are given off by many indoor sources. They contribute to air pollution within enclosed … and in certain types of foam insulation. Other indoor sources of VOCs include: The burning of fuels such as … by opening windows and doors after you bring new VOC sources into your house, such as new carpets, furniture or …
HealthLinkBC files
… particle pollution. What causes particle pollution? Major sources of outdoor PM in B.C. include: Wildfire smoke Wood … Outdoor sources of PM may be present indoors. Limit smoke from fire … by reducing the amount of PM produced from different sources: Avoid smoking. If you do smoke, do not smoke …
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… particulate matter, carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxides. Sources include gas stoves, furnaces, fireplaces, car … agents, paints, lacquers and varnishes are additional sources of VOCs. VOCs are released from these materials and … to improving ventilation and trying to control or eliminate sources of pollution. Air cleaners that filter particles …
HealthLinkBC files
… get into my drinking water? Asbestos may get into water sources through runoff of mining tailings, improperly … can remove natural asbestos that has entered water sources before it reaches drinking water system pipes. When …
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… exhaust, unvented kerosene heaters, stoves and other sources. Second-hand tobacco smoke also contains combustion …
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… both from the surface and ground, and can be from natural sources or human activities. For example, nearby farming and … well water . Metals Since well water comes from underground sources, different metals in the soil and rock can leach … in well water can come from human activity and natural sources. Most naturally occurring chemicals are found in …