192 results found
HealthLinkBC files
… blood pressure is hypertension. What dietary changes can help lower blood pressure? Healthy eating can help lower your blood pressure and improve your overall … little to no added sodium Use the Nutrition Facts table to help you choose foods lower in sodium. The percent daily …
HealthLinkBC files
… 2 to 3 snacks at about the same time each day. This will help them build healthy habits and meet their energy and … database: https://food-guide.canada.ca/en/recipes/ How do I help my child eat safely? Young children are at higher risk … child while they are eating or drinking and learn how to help if they choke. Prepare foods for your child in ways …
HealthLinkBC files
… Vietnamese Hearing is one of our most important senses. It helps us to communicate, to be warned about danger and to be … emergency medical attention immediately. Will a hearing aid help? Hearing aids do not cure hearing loss. They help improve your hearing and your ability to communicate. A …
HealthLinkBC files
… more information, see HealthLinkBC File #85 Hand washing: Help stop the spread of germs . A child with impetigo should … impetigo should be gone in about 7 days. How can you help? Keep your child with impetigo at home Impetigo is … or scratch sores Keep their fingernails short and clean. Help them to wash their hands often. As the disease …
HealthLinkBC files
… a pre-loaded syringe called an auto-injector. Epinephrine helps reverse the symptoms of an allergic reaction and can … the health concern Each child’s allergy and how to help the child avoid their allergens Where to find each … hands with soap and water before and after eating. This helps prevent food from getting on toys, clothing, and other …
HealthLinkBC files
… a pre-loaded syringe called an auto-injector. Epinephrine helps reverse the symptoms of the allergic reaction and can … of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. What can I do to help my child with a severe food allergy stay safe? Consider … it with you when you and your child are away from home. Help your child avoid their food allergens. Eating even a …
HealthLinkBC files
… care keep teeth healthy for a lifetime. Healthy baby teeth help children eat and speak clearly. Baby teeth guide … up the bottle or sippy cup at bedtime For tips on how to help your child give up a bottle or sippy cup at bedtime, … speech development and teeth positioning. Can fluoride help stop tooth decay? The Canadian Dental and Medical …
HealthLinkBC files
… vessels over time and lead to a heart attack or stroke. To help lower LDL, follow a Portfolio eating pattern that is … grains and plant-based proteins What dietary changes can help lower LDL cholesterol? Choose foods with healthy fats … or side dish Add TVP to tomato sauce or chili What else can help lower LDL cholesterol? Plant sterols can lower LDL …
HealthLinkBC files
… coordination or clumsiness in physical activities How can I help to prevent eye injuries for my child? You can reduce … test by an eye doctor to check for any concerns. This can help you understand and deal with any problems your child …
HealthLinkBC files
… or small toys may be around How can I be prepared to help a child if they choke? Anyone who cares for young … making and storing formula (#69b) Baby's first foods (#69c) Helping your 1 to 3 Year old child eat well (#69d) Meal and …