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… of the airways in the lungs Coughing Wheezing Shortness of breath Irritation of the nasal passage, throat and eyes … sulphur dioxide concentrations may be more likely to have breathing problems as they get older. How can I reduce the … you have symptoms such as coughing wheezing or shortness of breath, seek medical attention For more information For more …
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… of muscles all over the body. It is very serious if the breathing muscles are affected. Up to 1 in 5 people who get … skin-to-skin contact. The disease can result in severe breathing problems. It can also cause heart failure and … that often ends with a whooping sound before the next breath. This cough can last several months and occurs more …
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… disease of the lungs for a long period of time and needs to breathe in TB germs for infection to occur. Not everyone … TB infection and TB disease? Infection occurs when you breathe TB bacteria into your lungs and your body's defences … is also called “sleeping TB”. TB disease occurs when you breathe TB bacteria into your lungs and the bacteria start …
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… called anaphylaxis. This may include hives, difficulty breathing or swelling of the throat, tongue or lips. Should … A child with this infection may have severe difficulty breathing and may need an emergency operation to help breathe. How is Hib infection spread? You can spread Hib …
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… inside the sputum bottle or inside the cap Take a deep breath. Hold the air for a few seconds. Breathe out slowly. Take another deep breath. Cough hard until sputum comes up in your mouth Spit …
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… spells that often end with a whooping sound before the next breath. The pertussis cough can last several months and … make a person gag or spit out mucous and make it hard to breathe. In babies, pertussis can cause periods of apnea in which their breathing is interrupted. Babies less than 6 months old, …
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