132 results found
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… of malaria are much more serious in children. Malaria medications available for children are limited. Breastfed … 2 years of age who have a lot of diarrhea should receive medical care. Take your child to a health care provider … been travelling or living. Do not give antibiotics or other medications to children to stop diarrhea unless advised by a …
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… enough fluids Not getting enough physical activity Use of medications such as antacids with aluminum or calcium, … antispasmodics, diuretics, tranquilizers, some heart medications Use of supplements such as iron and calcium … likely to improve your constipation if a medication or a medical condition caused it. Can eating prunes or drinking …
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… are very sensitive to sulphur dioxide, you may need to seek medical care. Long-term exposure to particles produced when … including tobacco smoke, gas stoves and matches If you have medical conditions, such as asthma, COPD or heart disease, … such as coughing wheezing or shortness of breath, seek medical attention For more information For more information …
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… Do you have the skills to care for a person with their medical and mobility conditions Can you provide for their …
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… iron losses. You may need more iron if you take certain medications such as antacids or have a medical condition such as celiac disease. If you think you … too much iron and should not take iron supplements. Many medications and supplements can reduce the amount of iron …
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