211 results found
HealthLinkBC files
… at the tap. You should make every effort to maintain lead levels in drinking water as low as possible. The guideline … have been advised to sample water to ensure lead is at safe levels. If levels are not safe, they are advised to take the necessary …
HealthLinkBC files
… combustion by-products? Carbon monoxide (CO): Reduces the blood’s ability to carry oxygen. Acute exposure may cause … If you have heart disease, it may cause chest pain High levels of carbon monoxide exposure can cause loss of … (CO2): May cause headaches, dizziness and fatigue at high levels. High levels of CO2 are rare indoors, but levels can …
HealthLinkBC files
… system; use of birth control pills; pregnancy; or high blood sugar from poorly controlled diabetes. How is it … or ointments, or inserting tablets into the vagina. Some treatments require a prescription from your health care … Vaginal yeast infection (#08j) Chlamydia (#08l) HIV and HIV tests (#08m) Preventing sexually transmitted infections …
HealthLinkBC files
… you need to see a health care provider and have lab tests done. Currently, lab tests can only find trichomoniasis in women; testing for men … Vaginal yeast infection (#08j) Chlamydia (#08l) HIV and HIV tests (#08m) Preventing sexually transmitted infections …
HealthLinkBC files
… start the first day you quit, with increased oxygen in the blood and lower blood pressure. Within one year of quitting, … include Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT), prescription medications and counselling. 4. Build your support network … helps many people cope with this. NRT or prescription medications can also help you manage withdrawal symptoms. 7. …
HealthLinkBC files
… you need to see a health care provider and have lab tests done. How is it spread? Gonorrhea is passed from one … Vaginal yeast infection (#08j) Chlamydia (#08l) HIV and HIV tests (#08m) Preventing sexually transmitted infections …
HealthLinkBC files
… you need to see a health care provider and have lab tests done. How is it spread? Chlamydia is passed from one … Vaginal yeast infection (#08j) Chlamydia (#08l) HIV and HIV tests (#08m) Preventing sexually transmitted infections …
HealthLinkBC files
… you must be examined by a health care provider and have lab tests done. How is it spread? PID is most often caused by … or gonorrhea A previous PID infection Sexual contact Medical procedures that open your cervix such as abortion, … Vaginal yeast infection (#08j) Chlamydia (#08l) HIV and HIV tests (#08m) Preventing sexually transmitted infections …
HealthLinkBC files
HealthLinkBC files
… (around the genitals, anus or mouth) or send you for a blood test. If the sores have already started to heal, a … if the blisters are painful or happen often. The antiviral treatments will not cure herpes, but can help to reduce … Vaginal yeast infection (#08j) Chlamydia (#08l) HIV and HIV tests (#08m) Preventing sexually transmitted infections …