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HealthLinkBC files
… Hand, foot and mouth disease Last updated July 29, 2024 HealthLink BC File … Document Spanish Document Vietnamese What is hand, foot and mouth disease? Hand, foot and mouth disease is caused by enteroviruses. It’s most common …
HealthLinkBC files
… your baby’s gums even before the teeth come into the mouth. Keeping your child’s teeth and gums clean is the … decay, including the bacteria that is normally found in the mouth. Without treatment, decay can spread deeper into the … sugar does to teeth depends on how much sugar goes into the mouth and how long it stays in the mouth. When your child …
HealthLinkBC files
… a temperature: Under the armpit (axillary method) In the mouth (oral method) In the ear (tympanic method) In the … is best for taking temperatures by the armpit and mouth. Fever strips and pacifier thermometers do not give an … ear or, if the child is able to sit still long enough, by mouth. The most accurate way to take a temperature is in the …
HealthLinkBC files
… after meals and snacks. If this is not possible, rinse your mouth with water or a fluoride mouth rinse Do not smoke/vape, drink alcohol or use cannabis … vomiting during pregnancy can leave stomach acids in your mouth that can damage the teeth. After vomiting, rinse your …
HealthLinkBC files
… because they: Have less practice controlling food in their mouths Do not always chew food into small enough pieces Have … Explore the world by putting small objects into their mouths If a child has a medical condition that affects … to prevent children from putting too much food in their mouths Offer foods in textures that are safe for babies and …
HealthLinkBC files
… when tiny bits of infected stool get into another person’s mouth, food or water. Exposure to infected stool can occur … can spread Shigella bacteria. This includes: oral-anal (mouth to anus) contact, getting stool on your fingers and then touching your mouth, or by putting objects in your mouth that may have …
HealthLinkBC files
… your hands afterward, the germs can spread from hands to mouth. This can happen through eating, sucking fingers or when children put toys into their mouths. An animal's saliva or spit can also carry germs that … can get on your hands and infect you if you touch your mouth. Raw, unpasteurized milk or milk products from farm …
HealthLinkBC files
… has herpes and then immediately touches another person’s mouth or genitals. Sharing sex toys without changing condoms … part of their body (e.g., rubbing a blister on their mouth and then touching their genitals). The chance of … the genitals (external sex organs), rectum, anus and/or the mouth, hands and eyes. Herpes can also cause blisters around …
HealthLinkBC files
… bite, draw blood, and then drop off. The feeding tick's mouth will be under the skin, but the back parts will be … it is very hard to remove the tick without leaving some mouth parts behind, which can cause an infection. How to … tweezers to gently get a hold of the tick as close to its mouth as possible. The body of the tick will be above your …
HealthLinkBC files
… bacteria spread by contact with saliva or mucus from the mouth, nose or throat of an infected person. The infected … your eyes or mucous membranes or put your hands in your mouth. The bacteria can also spread through close personal … People who have direct contact with the infected person’s mouth or nose secretions. How can necrotizing fasciitis be …