216 results found
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… There is no need to delay getting immunized because of a cold or other mild illness. However, if you have concerns …
HealthLinkBC files
… all chemicals are within the recommended range prior to using your pool or hot tub. Disinfectants kill germs. … tub with open sores or bandages. If you are experiencing cold or flu-like symptoms, you should not go in a pool or … those lines. Always ask your vendor or pool supplier for advice and recommendations Clean your hot tub and pool …
HealthLinkBC files
… There is no need to delay getting immunized because of a cold or other mild illness. However, if you have concerns … an infection of the lining that covers the brain, and septicemia, an infection of the blood. Haemophilus influenzae …
HealthLinkBC files
… available to help you quit. Some people choose to quit cold turkey, without any aids, but you’ll have a higher chance of success by using one or more of the methods below: NRT, such as the … or local pharmacist to discuss if these are a good choice for you, and to get a prescription. What programs are …
HealthLinkBC files
… A quarter to a half cup (60 to 125 mL) of prepared hot or cold cereal Half a piece of toast or muffin A quarter of a … cereal Toast, bread, pita, roti, Bannock, tortilla Rice, pasta, quinoa, couscous, barley Unsalted crackers What … crackers Dinner Beans, mashed Tortilla, strips Avocado, slices Sample menu 2 Breakfast Iron-fortified infant cereal …
HealthLinkBC files
… in 1908. By the 1920s, thousands of cities worldwide were using chlorine disinfectants to treat drinking water. There … chlorine disinfectant products and each is added to water using a different approach. These products can be a solid, … to handle and less expensive. This makes them a better choice for homeowners who have their own water supply systems. …
HealthLinkBC files
… a vaping product, such as an electronic cigarette. The device heats a liquid (usually known as “e-juice” or “vape … your health in several ways: Exposure to toxic and cancer-causing chemicals: the aerosol produced through vaping has … of existing asthma or COPD Risks to children and youth: using nicotine in adolescence can impact brain development, …
HealthLinkBC files
… enter your bloodstream you can have a severe reaction causing TSS. The toxins may enter your bloodstream through a … wound. TSS can also occur in menstruating individuals using tampons or a menstrual cup. Most people, however, are … Use of contraceptive sponges, diaphragms or intrauterine devices Irritation and inflammation of the vagina, also known …
HealthLinkBC files
… exposed to an STI or are being treated for an STI Discuss using protection, such as condoms, dental dam barriers and … (“male”) condoms should not be used at the same time. Using 2 condoms together may result in a condom breaking … contraceptive pills (ECPs) or copper IUD (intrauterine device) can prevent pregnancy. These should be started as soon …
HealthLinkBC files
… your eyes, nose and throat May lodge in the lungs, causing irritation or damage to lung tissue May cause … problems Some combustion particles may contain cancer-causing substances Carbon dioxide (CO2): May cause headaches, … instructions for all combustion appliances Regularly service and clean appliances and vents such as chimneys Use only …