201 results found
HealthLinkBC files
… from breeding around your home – Anything that can hold water is a likely mosquito breeding area. Identify and … to take include: empty saucers under flowerpots; change water in bird baths 2 times a week; unclog rain gutters; drain tarps, tires and other debris where rainwater may collect; and install a fountain in ornamental …
HealthLinkBC files
… system. If your baby has CF, they may have frequent chest infections and problems digesting food. which can result in … Treatment can help with growth and reduce the risk of lung infections. Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA): SMA affects the … a baby’s immune system and makes it hard to fight against infections or germs. Early treatment can greatly improve …
HealthLinkBC files
… clothes and bed linens separately from other’s. Use hot water to wash, and dry items in a hot dryer. Tell your child … a warm wet facecloth, then gently washed off with soap and water and patted dry. When can my child return to school or …
HealthLinkBC files
… nut and seed butters blended with an equal amount of warm water and stirred into iron-fortified infant cereal Along … of age and eating a variety of iron-rich foods Sips of water can be offered in an open cup after 6 months of age … honey, even if cooked. Honey can give your baby a food-borne illness called botulism Choose fish that are lower in …
HealthLinkBC files
… jewelry on the hands and wrists Wet your hands with warm water Wash all parts of your hands with plain soap and water for at least 20 seconds, and rub hands together to … sing the ABC song) Rinse hands well under warm running water Dry hands with a clean cloth or paper towel Use the …
HealthLinkBC files
… simple safety rules. These rules apply around all bodies of water, from the beaches to private pools and bathtubs. Any … unstable surfaces. Look before you leap or dive in Shallow water, underwater logs or big rocks are dangerous when you … open sore(s), bandages, colds, ear/nose discharge or ear infections end Never bring food or drinks in the pool. This …
HealthLinkBC files
… and lack of flight may be a result of rabies or other infections such as White Nose Syndrome. Some bats with … do the following: Wash the wound well with soap and warm water under moderate pressure for at least 15 minutes. This … or sick bat, do not touch it with your bare hands. Wear waterproof gloves or a double layer of plastic or use a tool …
HealthLinkBC files
… disinfect them with a mixture of 1 part bleach and 9 parts water, after dead mice have been removed. Stop mice from … are effective. Diluted bleach (1 part bleach to 9 parts water) can also be used. Once you are wearing your mask, … or steam carpets, wash clothing and bedding with hot water and detergent, and disinfect floors, counter-tops, …
HealthLinkBC files
… out items: Wash bedding, clothing and backpacks in hot water and laundry detergent, and dry them on the hottest … for 30 minutes or more Items that cannot be washed with hot water or put in the dryer can be steam cleaned. Dry steam or … any bed bugs from escaping Wash vacuum attachments in hot water with detergent Store the vacuum in a large plastic bag …
HealthLinkBC files
… bacteria can also cause strep throat, scarlet fever, skin infections and rheumatic fever. It is not fully understood … see HealthLinkBC File #106 Group A Streptococcal Infections . How is it spread? Group A streptococcus … you have a small cut or wound, wash it well in warm soapy water, and keep it clean and dry with a bandage. How is it …