155 results found
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… of date. Do I need to take extra precautions to protect my baby from the sun and heat? Yes. Babies younger than 12 … – not to increase time of sun exposure Do not wait for signs of sunburn to get your child out of the sun, Sunburns … having a tan means that your skin has been damaged already by UV radiation Teach children to be “sun-smart” and …
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… of any concerns, between age 6 to 12 months. What signs and symptoms should I watch for? Your child should … care provider or eye doctor if you notice any of these signs or symptoms: Red, itchy, watery eyes discharge …
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… care provider create the best care plan for you and your baby. What is a prenatal ultrasound? A prenatal ultrasound … It uses sound waves to produce a live image of your baby in the womb that can be seen on a monitor. Ultrasounds … machine detects sound waves that bounce off of the baby and turns them into an image. These images are used to …
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… other people. A person with HIV can pass the virus to their baby during pregnancy, childbirth or while breast/chest … feeding. Because of the risk of passing HIV to your baby, it is very important for you to get tested for HIV. … your own health and help you have a healthy pregnancy and baby. Should I get tested if I am planning a pregnancy? …
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… catching their breath. Why is folate important for my baby? Folate lowers the risk of your unborn baby having a neural tube defect (NTD). The neural tube is the part of a growing baby that becomes the brain and spine. NTDs happen when this …
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… illness much faster than an older child or adult. What signs should I look for? Your infant or young child may not … Skin feels very warm Body temperature above 38°C (100°F) Signs of dehydration in infants and young children include: … mind that infants and young children may not show the early signs and symptoms of heat-related illness. They may just …
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… to your health care provider. From birth to 3 months, your baby: Recognizes parents’ voices, right from birth Discovers … moving objects with their eyes From 3 to 6 months, your baby: Lifts head about 90 degrees Sits with some support … exists even if they can’t see it From 6 to 12 months, your baby: Recognizes their name Responds to some words, such as …
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… must be reviewed at least once each year. What are some signs of difficulties chewing and swallowing? A member of … well as family, friends and volunteers must be aware of the signs of choking: Forceful coughing Hands clutched to throat and other signs of distress while eating, drinking or taking …
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… to make sure they understand the information and are ready to make a decision. If the health care provider is not sure that a child understands, or a child is not ready to make a decision, the child will not be immunized. …
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… the same as that of someone who never smoked. How can I get ready to quit? Planning can help you succeed. Here are some …