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HealthLinkBC files
… maintenance. Treatment plant A typical treatment plant uses air to help break down and treat waste. The waste is treated … plant. A treatment plant treats liquid waste to a higher quality before entering the dispersal area. This process … to construct a new onsite sewage system, or alter or repair an existing one, must follow the Public Health Act and …
HealthLinkBC files
… is usually white. The matted fibres can be crumbly and airbone if unbound or deteriorated. Asbestos is no longer … you breathe in asbestos fibers that are released into the air. When you inhale large amounts of asbestos fibres, they … long periods of exposure to high levels of asbestos in the air can be harmful to your health. It could increase your …
HealthLinkBC files
… When released outdoors, radon gas becomes diluted with air and poses little risk. However, radon gas can build up … from radon depends on its concentration in the indoor air of the home or building and the length of time exposed. … homes and other buildings. How is radon measured? Radon in air is measured in becquerels per cubic meter (Bq/m3), a …
HealthLinkBC files
… . Air purifiers and ventilation systems cannot remove all the … an open window. Many of the toxic chemicals remain in the air and the carpets, curtains, furniture and clothes. … any time Inside or within 6 meters of a doorway, window or air intake of a public building or workplace. Work vehicles …
HealthLinkBC files
… 20 seconds during all stages of canning. Use only good quality produce (fruits, vegetables) that do not have any … refrigerate leftovers, and use within one week. For best quality, use all unopened canned or bottled foods within one …
HealthLinkBC files
… levels are above the Guidelines for Canadian Drinking Water Quality. The maximum acceptable concentration (MAC) for … reflects the impact of human activities on well water quality. How does nitrate get into well water? Decomposition … processes Motor vehicles Some de-icing agents used at airports How do I know if there is nitrate in my well water? …
HealthLinkBC files
… includes milk from cows, goats, buffalo, sheep and other dairy animals. By law in Canada, all milk sold to the public must be pasteurized and packaged in a licensed dairy plant. Only vitamins A and D may be added to the milk … you buy must be pasteurized and packaged at a licensed dairy plant. Be cautious of raw milk from farm gate sales or …
HealthLinkBC files
… coughs, or sneezes, the bacteria are spread through the air. If you breathe in air or touch objects contaminated with the bacteria you can …
HealthLinkBC files
… breathes, coughs, or sneezes, the virus spreads through the air. The measles virus can survive in small droplets in the air for several hours. You can become infected when you … droplets or touch objects contaminated with the virus. The airborne spread of measles virus makes the disease very …
HealthLinkBC files
… illness occurs indoors, in environments without air conditioning. When it is hot outside for several days, … disabilities, including limited mobility and cognitive impairment People who do intensive physical activity or work in … illness. These include: Keep cool. Stay indoors in air-conditioned buildings or take a cool bath or shower. At …