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Healthy eating
… Document Punjabi Document Spanish Document Vietnamese Have you ever stood in front of your refrigerator or kitchen … to eat next? What if you’re tired, out of ideas, or don’t have the ingredients you need to create a healthy and … and meals once you’re ready. Be realistic about what you have time to prepare. Some days and weeks are busier than …
Healthy eating
… your cancer self-care. Whether you just found out that you have cancer or you are preparing for or receiving cancer … side effects, as well as any other health conditions you have. The most helpful foods for you may be different than … to eat low fibre foods instead of high fibre foods if you have diarrhea or feel full quickly. If you are avoiding many …
Healthy eating
… during pregnancy. If you choose to eat liver products, have no more than 75g (2 ½ ounces) per week. chicken and … carry oxygen. During pregnancy, the amount of blood you have increases to meet the needs of both you and your baby. … Some foods, like meat, fish, poultry and seafood may have bacteria that, if the meat is not properly cooked, can …
Healthy eating
… habits by simply tracking the types of food and drinks you have each day. You can even track just one type or group of … drink. For example, the number of vegetables and fruit you have each day, or the number of glasses of water you drink. … you track how many servings of vegetables and fruit you have each day. More advanced food journaling What you track …
Healthy eating
… body may naturally make a higher amount of uric acid or have more difficulty getting rid of it. Certain medications … 2%) or lower fat cheese (less than 20% M.F.). These foods have little to no purines and may help lower uric acid … as a snack. Choose whole fruit instead of juice. Aim to have at least three servings of fruit each day. Avoid sugar …
Healthy eating
… L of fluid each day. Keeping well hydrated may help if you have constipation. If drinking large amounts of fluids with … Insoluble fibre adds bulk to your stool and can help you have regular and pain-free bowel movements. It is found in … the GI tract which may make diarrhea worse. If you have diarrhea, limit or avoid caffeine. Caffeine is found in …
Healthy eating
… bean-shaped organs about the size of a fist. Most people have two kidneys, one on each side of the spine just below … and 2), your kidneys may work well enough that you do not have any symptoms. At each stage the body is less able to … and fruits, whole grains and protein foods can help. If you have high blood pressure or diabetes, manage these …
Healthy eating
… avocado, cucumber and sliced peppers to sandwiches. Have a plate of prepared raw veggies available for snacking. … pieces of fruit. These are often equal to two servings. Have fresh fruit or fruit salad available for snacking and … foods: Soak and cook dried beans or lentils when you have time, or use canned beans as a quick and healthy …
Healthy eating
… beta carotene, lutein and lycopene. Carotenoids usually have a yellow, orange or red colour. They are found in kale, … Antioxidant supplements, especially in high doses, have not been shown to prevent chronic disease and may be … inflammation? Some foods that contain antioxidants may have anti-inflammatory properties. Rather than focusing on …
Healthy eating
… you if you are underweight, losing weight without trying or have trouble swallowing or eating. Your nutrition needs can … nutrient needs for calcium and vitamin D. People with MS have a higher risk of low bone mineral density and breaking … Kousmine and gluten-free, restrict nutritious foods and have not been proven to be helpful for MS. 6. Be cautious …