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38 results found
Healthy eating
… medications you may need to limit the amount of potassium your diet. Speak to your health care provider for advice on how much potassium … mL (½ cup)  78 Blueberries, raw 125 mL (½ cup)  59 Mangosteen, canned, drained 125 mL (½ cup)  50 Cranberries …
Healthy eating
… than this. To decrease the risk of chronic disease, limit your intake to below 2300 mg per day. Knowing how much … Nutrient File. Accessed July 2019. *Note: Consult with your health care provider before using a salt substitute … Additional resources For information and advice based on your specific food and nutrition needs and preferences, …
Healthy eating
… when high levels of uric acid cause crystals to form in your joints and soft tissues, leading to inflammation, pain and swelling. The amount of uric acid in your body depends on the following: The amount of uric acid your body makes and gets rid of. Your body may naturally …
Healthy eating
… Spanish Document Vietnamese Have you ever stood in front of your refrigerator or kitchen cupboard and wondered what you … is recommended. They may also be lower in the nutrients your body needs. Benefits of meal planning Meal planning is … about what you like to eat and how those foods help nourish your body. You can look at how you’re eating overall, rather …
Healthy eating
… Document Punjabi Document Spanish Document Vietnamese Your kidneys are bean-shaped organs about the size of a … of chronic kidney disease (CKD). In early stages (1 and 2), your kidneys may work well enough that you do not have any … waste. In early kidney disease, the main goal is to help your kidneys function better for longer. Eating a variety of …
Healthy eating
… prevention eating guidelines When it comes to lowering your risk of getting cancer, there are some things you can’t … than many other foods. Eating mostly plant foods to meet your nutrient needs can satisfy your hunger while making it easier to stay at a healthy …
Healthy eating
… is found in many foods and is needed to keep you healthy. Your body uses protein to: Provide building blocks for growth and for repairing cells like those in your muscles, skin, and nails. Make enzymes and hormones, … vegetables, and fruit also add small amounts of protein to your diet. Eating protein from a wide variety of food …
Healthy eating
… vending machines, school stores and at school events Voice your opinion. Participate in events such as taste testing of … available in the schools and at events Raise awareness in your school about the impacts of marketing unhealthy food … of the Guidelines in all school food venues Assess your school. See where students may be exposed to marketing …
Healthy eating
… than this. To decrease the risk of chronic disease, limit your intake to below 2300mg. Planning ahead can help you decrease the amount of sodium in your diet. Use the information in this handout to make lower … smoked salt, and Himalayan salt are high in sodium. Flavour your foods without adding salt: Add extra amounts of garlic, …
Healthy eating
… you healthy. The amount of protein you need is based on your weight. An adult who weighs 80kg (176 lbs) needs about … you need to eat to maintain a healthy weight is based on your age, sex, current weight, activity level and whether …   Additional Resources For information and advice based on your specific food and nutrition needs and preferences, call …