37 results found
Healthy eating
… French Use healthier recipes Score homemade recipes using the Checklist . Sell freshly made food and beverages … parents, teachers and students to promote healthier recipes using resources such as Bake Better Bites and Tips and … and Tips for Healthier Baked Goods , pg 5. Act to support healthy eating: Ensure that everyone bringing food uses the …
Healthy eating
… in your joints and soft tissues, leading to inflammation, pain and swelling. The amount of uric acid in your body … high blood cholesterol type 2 diabetes heart disease chronic kidney disease genitourinary (urinary and … risk of gout flares or attacks. Steps you can take Follow a healthy diet that is low in saturated and trans fat. A diet …
Healthy eating
… advantages to a plant-based diet. It can lower your risk of chronic diseases like heart disease and cancer, help manage … when you have time, or use canned beans as a quick and healthy alternative. Rinse canned beans to reduce sodium … cereals. Try new recipes for salads, soups or casseroles using beans and lentils. Additional resources Build a …
Healthy eating
… ideas, or don’t have the ingredients you need to create a healthy and satisfying meal? Moments like these make it easy … Benefits of meal planning Meal planning is the act of thinking ahead about what you’ll make for meals and snacks … meals and snacks. You can try the one provided. Or, try using an erasable board in your kitchen or pantry, an Excel …
Healthy eating
… avoid because someone has cancer. For more information on healthy eating, see Additional Resources. Eat foods that … and is important for healing and keeping your immune system healthy. Sources of protein include fish, poultry, meat, … to get the calories and protein you need. If you are thinking about following a specialized diet that requires …
Healthy eating
… of the school community need to work together to build a healthy school that supports healthy eating. A healthy … school events and talk to them about healthy food choices using Canada’s Food Guide For information on how to take … and cultural backgrounds Score food and beverages using the Guidelines. For freshly made food, use the …
Healthy eating
… chemotherapy, surgical therapy or ongoing medical treatment chronic inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn's, Ulcerative Colitis) HIV/AIDS chronic bacterial infection tuberculosis hyperthyroidism … the following: The client has a severe medical condition causing a chronic, progressive deterioration of health, and as …
Healthy eating
… Canadians eat much more than this. To decrease the risk of chronic disease, limit your intake to below 2300 mg per day. … how much sodium there is in food can help you make more healthy food choices. The table below lists foods and their … 2019. *Note: Consult with your health care provider before using a salt substitute with potassium. Additional resources …
Healthy eating
… is often recommended to try and reduce symptoms. Follow a healthy eating plan, such as Canada's Food Guide ( … ), to help you plan well-balanced, healthy meals and snacks. Unless your doctor gives you … Use only 30-45 mL (2-3 Tbsp) of added fats each day. Healthy added fats include non-hydrogenated margarines and …
Healthy eating
… as you are able. Circle your friends and family around healthy foods as often as you can. The more you eat … eat and when they are finished eating. An important part of healthy eating is learning to stop when they are full. Being … Step By Step for information on how to make family meals healthy, positive experiences for all family members. … The …