37 results found
Healthy eating
Guidelines for food beverage sales Stock vending machines and stores with healthy food and beverages
… Document English Document French On this page: Introduction Your actions can support healthy eating Promote the … plan Where can we find out more? Introduction To help stock your vending machine or store with healthy food and beverage … found in each of your vending machines and school stores. Use the Scorecard feature of the Brand Name Food List . …
Healthy eating
… than this. To decrease the risk of chronic disease, limit your intake to below 2300 mg per day. Knowing how much sodium there is in food can help you make more healthy food choices. The table below lists … sodium content of foods can also be found on food labels. Use this information to make lower sodium choices. Food …
Healthy eating
… Place Sell Most or Sell items in the spotlight: Score your food and beverages using the Checklist for freshly made … This information is not meant to replace advice from your medical doctor or individual counseling with a …
Healthy eating
… of potassium in the table below is for healthy adults. If you have kidney disease or take certain medications you may need to limit the amount of potassium your diet. … of foods can help you make choices that fit your needs. Use the table below to find out the amount of potassium in …
Healthy eating
… Menus Protein is found in many foods and is needed to keep you healthy. The amount of protein you need is based on your weight. An adult who weighs 80kg (176 lbs) needs about …
Healthy eating
… adults should aim for 25 to 38 grams of fibre per day. You may need to lower your fibre intake for a short time to help manage a medical … grams of fibre per day, but the total amount may depend on your medical condition or symptoms. Fibre is found in plant …
Healthy eating
… About Vitamin K Vitamin K is a fat soluble vitamin. You need some vitamin K every day for good health. Vitamin K helps your blood to clot when you are bleeding. People who take warfarin (Coumadin®) …