28 results found
Healthy eating
… you may need to limit the amount of potassium your diet. Speak to your health care provider for advice on how … 19 and older 2600 Pregnant females 19 and older 2900 Breastfeeding females 19 and older 2800 Food sources of … preferences, call 8-1-1 and ask to speak to a HealthLink BC dietitian. For additional information, see the following …
Healthy eating
… that lower the uric acid levels in your blood and by diet and lifestyle changes. Gout often occurs with the … (urinary and reproductive) diseases. Talk to a registered dietitian if you need help with your diet for any of these conditions. The focus of this handout …
Healthy eating
… eating or are losing weight, speak with a registered dietitian to develop a personalized plan. Steps you can take … another person’s. This is normal as there is not a “cancer diet” or list of foods to eat or avoid because someone has … If you are avoiding many foods or the variety in your diet is limited, speak with a dietitian to develop a plan …
Healthy eating
… often believe that they need to remove all fat from their diet if they have gallbladder disease. This is usually not necessary. Following a very low fat diet can sometimes cause more stones to form. Instead, eating a diet that is lower in fat (but still has some fat) is often …
Healthy eating
… on your symptoms, you may continue to eat a regular diet, or you may need a low fibre or liquid diet for a short period. Once your symptoms improve, you can gradually return to a high fibre diet. If you have symptoms of diverticulitis such as …
Healthy eating
… mixed (plant and animal foods) and vegan (plant foods only) diets. Sample Menu 1* Mixed diet (plant and animal foods) Breakfast Protein (g) Lunch … 3.8cm by 6.3cm, 45g 3 Total 88 Sample Menu 2* Vegan diet (plant foods only) Breakfast Protein(g) Lunch Dinner …
Healthy eating
… and taking any medication prescribed by your doctor. A dietitian can help you plan a diet that is suitable for all your health conditions. If your kidneys continue to lose function, your doctor or a dietitian may advise you to make other changes to your diet. …
Healthy eating
… when it is safe and appropriate to add the food to the diet. How can you tell if a child is outgrowing their food … tests to help diagnose food allergy? Food elimination diets remove a group of foods from the diet on a trial basis to see if this stops the signs and …
Healthy eating
… of healthy eating patterns are Canada’s food guide, DASH diet, or Mediterranean diet. Eat higher fibre foods often. A diet high in fibre, especially soluble fibre, may help to …
Healthy eating
… and tips on three important parts of a healthy lifestyle: diet, weight, and physical activity. Eating a healthy diet, being at a healthy weight, and keeping physically … Small amounts of red meat can still be part of a healthy diet. Meat is a good source of iron, protein, vitamin B12, …