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38 results found
Healthy eating
… Protein is found in many foods and is needed to keep you healthy. Your body uses protein to: Provide building blocks … and fruit also add small amounts of protein to your diet. Eating protein from a wide variety of food sources will help … women some athletes people with certain health conditions Talk to a registered dietitian to help determine …
Healthy eating
… due to differences in their skin and their immune systems: Healthy skin acts as a barrier to prevent moisture from … for your child and for you as a parent to watch. Physical comfort, sleep, social interactions and self-image … if the immune system is first introduced to the food by eating it. If the first exposure to a food is through the …
Healthy eating
… vitamin B12 to help keep your nerve and red blood cells healthy and to make DNA, the genetic material in your cells. … need and how to check if you get enough vitamin B12 in your diet. Steps you can take 1. Find out how much vitamin B12 … fortified foods or a supplement. Vegetarians: Vegetarian diets, in particular vegan diets, need to be planned …
Healthy eating
… Nutritional supplements, including Infant formula Diet supplements Monthly nutritional supplement Tube feed … C Note: If a person has more than one of the above medical conditions, the person may receive only the amount of the … can be provided for acute short-term or chronic long-term conditions. This supplement is available when no other …
Healthy eating
… Document Vietnamese We need small amounts of sodium, but eating too much can increase the risk of high blood pressure and heart disease. Most adults only need 1500 mg of sodium per … how much sodium there is in food can help you make more healthy food choices. The table below lists foods and their …
Healthy eating
… Document Punjabi Document Spanish Document Vietnamese Healthy adults should aim for 25 to 38 grams of fibre per … a short time to help manage a medical condition. Low fibre diets often include 10 to 15 grams of fibre per day, but the … in some foods that might be suitable while on a lower fibre diet. For packaged foods, check the Nutrition Facts table …
Healthy eating
… recommended amount of potassium in the table below is for healthy adults. If you have kidney disease or take certain … you may need to limit the amount of potassium your diet. Speak to your health care provider for advice on how … cup)  261 Taro shoots, cooked 125 mL (½ cup)  254 Artichoke hearts, boiled, drained 125 mL (½ cup)  254 Vegetable juice …
Healthy eating
… K2. Vitamin K1 is mostly found in plants and is our main dietary source of vitamin K. Vitamin K2 is found in …