25 results found
Healthy eating
… and condiments. If you eat these foods, eat them less often or in smaller amounts. 2. Prepare healthy meals and … Make healthier choices when eating out Restaurant food is often high in sodium. Many restaurants provide nutrition …
Healthy eating
… some food allergies. The foods that cause food allergy most often are called common food allergens. They include: Milk … reaction to a food can range from mild to severe. Reactions often appear within minutes after exposure to the food. … allergens your baby tolerates several times a week, or more often if you like. This will help your baby maintain …
Healthy eating
… Occasional indulgences are part of life; the concern is how often you indulge. Take time to eat something before you …
Healthy eating
Guidelines for food beverage sales Stock vending machines and stores with healthy food and beverages
… and stores will be monitored and maintained (including how often they will be restocked, and how they will track "best …
Healthy eating
… time to help manage a medical condition. Low fibre diets often include 10 to 15 grams of fibre per day, but the total …