37 results found
Healthy eating
… fats, are particularly important during pregnancy. Following Canada's Food Guide will provide the nutrition … To meet your energy (calorie) needs during pregnancy: Follow Canada's Food Guide for your age group. During the … Food Guide Servings each day. Enjoy them with meals, or try an extra snack such as: an apple and cheese yogurt and …
Healthy eating
… decide what is true and what is not. Ask yourself the following questions: Is there a promise of a quick fix like … not proof that something works or is true. Nutrition advice should be based on the best available research. Is the … local dietitian visit: The provincial college’s online registry available from: …
Healthy eating
… visibility. Price healthiest food and beverage items lower than other options. Create combo deals, combining Sell … All freshly made food and beverages being sold to students should score as Sell . Turn popular choices such as pizza …
Healthy eating
… made with whole grains, fresh fruit and vegetables and lowfat milk products. Carbohydrates are the main source of energy for all sports. Follow the Guidelines by offering at least 50% of prepackaged … eating Involve students in choosing which food and drinks should be sold at sporting events from the Sell Most and …
Healthy eating
Guidelines for food beverage sales Stock vending machines and stores with healthy food and beverages
… machine or store with healthy food and beverage options, follow the three S's : Stock: Take stock and make a list of … Strategize: At least 50% of food and beverages sold should come from the Sell Most and up to 50% from the Sell … and teachers. Offer Sell Most food and beverage items at a lower price than the Sell Sometimes items. Promote Sell Most …
Healthy eating
… found only in animal foods such as meat, fish, seafood, poultry, eggs, milk, yogurt and cheese. It is also added to some … daily amount of vitamin B12 (micrograms or mcg) Stay below 1 - 3 years 0.9 An upper limit for vitamin B12 has not … naturally occurring vitamin B12 very well. Adults over 50 should get the recommended amount of vitamin B12 from …
Healthy eating
… planning and filling out surveys about what healthy food should be available in the schools and at events Raise … Include at least one representative from each of the following groups: school administration, parents, students, … . Make sure to reflect student preferences and cultural backgrounds Score food and beverages using the Guidelines. …