38 results found
Healthy eating
… Following a very low fat diet can sometimes cause more stones to form. Instead, eating a diet that is lower in … is often recommended to try and reduce symptoms. Follow a healthy eating plan, such as Canada's Food Guide ( … higher in fibre, and a high fibre diet may help to prevent more stones from forming. High fibre grain products, like …
Healthy eating
… Healthy eating guidelines for people with diverticular … for a short period. Once your symptoms improve, you can gradually return to a high fibre diet. If you have symptoms … meat, nuts, seeds and dairy. Choose lentils, beans and peas more often. They are high fibre foods. Limit red meat, such …
Healthy eating
… may naturally make a higher amount of uric acid or have more difficulty getting rid of it. Certain medications (e.g. … risk of gout flares or attacks. Steps you can take Follow a healthy diet that is low in saturated and trans fat. A diet … high levels of purine. Choose vegetable protein sources more often: beans, lentils, tofu, and unsalted nuts and …
Healthy eating
… Protein is found in many foods and is needed to keep you healthy. Your body uses protein to: Provide building blocks … plate with protein foods Choose plant-based protein foods more often This resource will help you to check if you get … and breastfeeding women some athletes people with certain health conditions Talk to a registered dietitian to help …
Healthy eating
… Healthy eating guidelines for people with multiple sclerosis … Your nutrition needs can change over time. Speak with your health care provider or registered dietitian to help you meet your nutrition needs. Steps you can take 1. Eat a healthy, well-balanced diet high in vegetables, fruit, whole …
Healthy eating
… Protein is found in many foods and is needed to keep you healthy. The amount of protein you need is based on your … 78 * The amount of food you need to eat to maintain a healthy weight is based on your age, sex, current weight, … needs and preferences, call 8-1-1 and ask to speak to a HealthLink BC dietitian. For additional information, see the …
Healthy eating
… soluble vitamin. You need some vitamin K every day for good health. Vitamin K helps your blood to clot when you are …
Healthy eating
… vitamin B12 to help keep your nerve and red blood cells healthy and to make DNA, the genetic material in your cells. … needs and preferences, call 8-1-1 and ask to speak to a HealthLink BC dietitian. For additional information, see the following resources: HealthLink BC www.healthlinkbc.ca – Get medically approved …