320 results found
Medical tests
… fluid. How To Prepare In general, there's nothing you have to do before this test, unless your doctor tells you … birth defects do not always show up early in pregnancy.) Abnormal: The fetus is growing more slowly than normal, is small, or is less developed than it should be for its age. The fetus is abnormally large for its …
Medical tests
… that are important to many health problems. Low Back Pain: Should I Have an MRI? Why It Is Done An MRI of the spine is done to: … as sciatica . Find areas of the spine where the canal is abnormally narrowed ( spinal stenosis ) and may need …
Medical tests
… potassium level that is too high or too low can be serious. Abnormal potassium levels may cause symptoms such as muscle … is working. Check people with high blood pressure who may have a problem with their kidneys or adrenal glands. Check … has a different range for what's normal. Your lab report should show the range that your lab uses for each test. The …
Medical tests
… which can be another sign. Each type of test kit will have a label showing what is being checked. The test strip … a home test kit, make sure that your doctor knows about any abnormal test results. And if your test doesn't show that … date. The chemicals in the kit may not work as they should after that date. Carefully read the instructions that …
Medical tests
… you inherit a mutation in a BRCA (say "BRAH-kuh") gene, you have a greater risk of breast and ovarian cancers as well as … higher than normal even if you have a negative BRCA result. Abnormal (positive) BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene changes are present. … higher than normal even if you have a negative BRCA result. Abnormal (positive) BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene changes are present. …
Medical tests
… of pregnancy. If there is a chance that your baby may have problems during your pregnancy ( high-risk pregnancy ), … Check on your baby's health if you have: Hyperthyroidism. Bleeding problems. Lupus. Chronic kidney disease. Type 1 … that has gone past your due date, between 40 and 42 weeks. Abnormal results on a non-stress test. How To Prepare If you …
Medical tests
… by the kidneys. When the kidneys are working as they should, there may be a very small amount of albumin in the urine. But when the kidneys are damaged, abnormal amounts of albumin leak into the urine. This is … failure, and cirrhosis. The sooner your doctor knows you have kidney damage, the more your doctor can do to protect …
Medical tests
… catheters. How To Prepare In general, there's nothing you have to do before this test, unless your doctor tells you … are normal in size, shape, and location. No growths, abnormal amounts of fluid ( ascites ), or foreign objects … Normal amounts of stool are seen in the large intestine. Abnormal: A blocked intestine may be seen because a portion …
Medical tests
… series of pictures of the bones of the skull. Skull X-rays have largely been replaced by computed tomography (CT) scans … X-ray may help find head injuries, bone fractures , or abnormal growths or changes in bone structure or size. Why … are normal in size and appearance. No foreign objects, abnormal growths, or bone abnormalities are present. No …
Medical tests
… ). The red blood cells deform because they contain an abnormal type of hemoglobin , called hemoglobin S, instead … genes (one set from each parent). As a result, a person may have: Two sets of genes that make normal hemoglobin … that makes hemoglobin S and one set that makes some other abnormal type of hemoglobin. Depending on the other type of …