325 results found
Medical tests
… X-rays in real time (fluoroscopy) and records what happens when you swallow. While you swallow, the doctor and speech … on the X-ray while you swallow. Why It Is Done The test helps your doctor see why you're having trouble swallowing. … It Is Done Before the test Remove any jewellery that might get in the way of the X-ray picture. You may need to take …
Medical tests
… to take a blood sample, usually from the arm. How It Feels When a blood sample is taken, you may feel nothing at all … is very little chance of having a problem from this test. When a blood sample is taken, a small bruise may form at the … results based on your age, health, and other factors to help decide whether you are taking the right amount of …
Medical tests
… of sugar, in a blood or urine sample. This test is done to help diagnose problems that prevent the small intestine from … D-xylose is normally easily absorbed by the intestines . When problems with absorption occur, D-xylose is not … start collecting your urine in the morning. When you first get up, empty your bladder, but do not save this urine. …
Medical tests
… is a procedure your doctor uses to see images and get information about your child's heart and blood vessels … will see the doctor for regular checkups. It can be scary when your child has a heart problem. It can help to learn as much as you can about your child's …
Medical tests
… in the neck that carry blood to the brain. The test may help your doctor decide if a procedure is needed to open a … Arrange to have someone take you home, because you may get a sedative before the test. If you stay overnight in the … to watch the movement of the catheter in the blood vessels. When the catheter is in place, the dye is injected through …
Medical tests
… problems or diseases of the eye, such as retina problems. Help find other conditions or diseases that damage the eye. … this test. If the test is painful, let the doctor know. When dilating eyedrops are used Dilating drops may make your … this test. If the test is painful, let the doctor know. When dilating eyedrops are used Dilating drops may make your …
Medical tests
… measures the amount of chloride in sweat. It is done to help diagnose cystic fibrosis . Normally, sweat on the skin … their sweat. During the sweat test , medicine that causes a person to sweat is applied to the skin (usually on the arm … as soon as your baby is 10 days old, but it is often done when a baby is 2 to 4 weeks of age. Your child may need more …
Medical tests
… produced by cells, called G cells, in the stomach lining. When food enters the stomach, G cells trigger the release of … gastrin rise, the stomach releases acid (gastric acid) that helps break down and digest food. When enough gastric acid … How To Prepare Before having the gastrin test: Do not drink alcohol for 24 hours before the test. Do not eat for 12 …
Medical tests
… Needle puncture and aspiration of the sinus may be needed when a person has repeated sinus infections. More accurate … about which organism is causing the infection may help the doctor and you make better treatment decisions. …
Medical tests
… have fainted or who often feel light-headed. The results help your doctor know the cause of your fainting or feeling … to an upright position. It checks how your body responds when you change positions. Why It Is Done This test is done … The test will take about an hour. It may take longer if you get medicine to speed up your heart during the test. Results …