325 results found
Medical tests
… Test Overview Celiac disease is a problem that happens when gluten in food causes your immune system to attack the … Why It Is Done A celiac disease antibodies test is done to: Help diagnose celiac disease. Check how well a gluten-free … for celiac disease. Look for celiac disease in people who don't have symptoms but who do have close family members …
Medical tests
… time. Arrange to have someone take you home because you may get a sedative before the test. If you stay overnight in the … radiologist , cardiologist , or surgeon. Your doctor may be helped by a radiology technologist or a nurse. You will need … to watch the movement of the catheter in the blood vessels. When the catheter is in place, the dye is injected through …
Medical tests
… also be measured in urine. Estrone may be measured in women who have gone through menopause. It's done to find out their … these substances—along with a woman's age and other factors—help the doctor figure out the chance that the baby may have … birth defects (especially Down syndrome ) during pregnancy. When the test for estriol is done with hormone inhibin A, …
Medical tests
… caused by certain conditions. Why It Is Done These tests help doctors find and treat eye problems. Doctors can see if a disease is getting worse or if treatment is working. You may need … or feel itchy after the dye is injected. Very rarely, a person may have a serious allergic reaction ( anaphylaxis ) …
Medical tests
… is. Cardiac catheterization sometimes can also be used to help correct the defect. Check on blood flow through the … work. How To Prepare Follow the instructions exactly about when to stop eating and drinking. If your doctor told you to … and pain medicine will make it unsafe for you to drive or get home on your own. If you take a medicine that prevents …
Medical tests
… and uses a straight, hollow metal tube. It is used: When there is bleeding in the airway that could block the … Prepare Procedures can be stressful. This information will help you understand what you can expect. And it will help … and pain medicine will make it unsafe for you to drive or get home on your own. Understand exactly what procedure is …
Medical tests
… ribs and remove a sample of lung tissue. It is usually done when the other methods of lung biopsy have not been … and pain medicine will make it unsafe for you to drive or get home on your own. How It Is Done A needle or … assistants in the room. You will be given a sedative to help you relax about an hour before the biopsy. You will …
Medical tests
… FSH is produced by the pituitary gland . In women, FSH helps control the menstrual cycle and the production of eggs … to take a blood sample, usually from an arm. For a woman who is having problems with her menstrual cycle or who … test takes The test will take a few minutes. How It Feels When a blood sample is taken, you may feel nothing at all …
Medical tests
… Information Test Overview Screening tests help your doctor look for a problem before you have … cancer screening is a way to find some lung cancers early, when a cure is more likely and when cancer is more … take about 30 to 60 minutes. Most of this time is spent getting ready for the scan. The actual test takes a few …
Medical tests
… as part of a group of blood tests (chemistry screen) to help find the cause of many kinds of symptoms, including … test takes The test will take a few minutes. How It Feels When a blood sample is taken, you may feel nothing at all … A low level may be caused by: Hyperventilation . Aspirin or alcohol overdose. Diarrhea, dehydration, or severe …